WEEKLY ROUNDUP Hello, Reader. Geopolitical uncertainty abounds… tariffs are on the menu… earnings results are mixed… price action has stalled out… and so much more is throwing a wrench into the works. But our partners at TradeSmith couldn’t be more certain about what’s coming. And what’s coming is not a crash or a bear market. What’s coming is the continuation of an epic melt-up that officially began in April of last year… and will likely only accelerate over the next 12 months. Today, I’d like to share a special conversation between TradeSmithCEO Keith Kaplan and Michael Salvatore, the editor of TradeSmith Daily. In the video, Keith and Michael share exactly how the research team at TradeSmith reached that conclusion. (Hint: They did so by looking at the data – not the headlines.) The conditions we’re seeing today, they say, mirror the biggest melt-ups in history… the kind that come around once or twice every 100 years. So, when they occur during your lifetime – you might not see another one again. And when the TradeSmith team realized the gravity of this opportunity, they knew they had to develop something you could use to profit on the way up… and avoid the inevitable meltdown. What they created is a strategy with an 80% win rate and 16% average returns over a 21-day hold time on hundreds of backtested trades. Click here or the video below to watch the conversation between Keith and Michael to see how they built it – and take a look at a fresh signal that flashed just seven trading days ago, on a stock you might not hear about anywhere else. Plus, last Thursday, Keith hosted a research presentation that covers all this in much greater detail. You can watch a replay of the event here. As part of his demonstration, he shared 10 stocks he thinks will dominate through the melt-up… and 10 more that are destined for the bargain bin. By the end, he shared everything you need to understand just how bullish the next year will be. Once again, you can watch a replay of the Keith’s special broadcast here. Now, let’s take a look back at what we covered here at Smart Money last week… |
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