الثلاثاء، 24 ديسمبر 2024

#1 Crypto of 2025

Exposed: 3 CENT Crypto to Explode January 20th?
He Called Every Bull Market Since the 1990's – Now He's Making the Boldest Prediction of His Career                                                                                                          

The #1 Crypto of 2025
(Trading for Just 3 Cents)

Chris Rowe – the man who recommended Amazon in 1998... Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2017...

And has spotted 44 different coins that have returned over 100%...

Today, Chris is now making the biggest crypto call of his ENTIRE career...

Urging his followers to buy a small 3-cent crypto...

Because... a powerful crypto event will trigger on January 20th...

Sending hundreds of tiny cryptos soaring 5X, 50X, even 100X – in just days.

Click here to see details behind the biggest financial event of the decade.


Bill Spencer
Editor in Chief, True Market insiders

P.S. To help you prepare, Chris is giving away his #1 FREE Crypto for 2025.


Guardian Financial Publishing LLC Texas and their affiliates and control persons (the “Publisher”) are in the business of publishing favorable information and/or advertisements (the “Information”) about the securities of publicly traded companies (each an “Issuer” or collectively the “Issuers”) in exchange for compensation (the “Campaigns”). Persons receiving the Information are referred to as the “Recipients.” The person or entity paying the Publisher for the Campaign is referred to herein as the “Paying Party”. The Paying Party may be an Issuer, an affiliated or non-affiliate shareholder of an Issuer or another person hired by the Issuer or an affiliate or non-affiliate shareholder of the Issuer. The nature and amount of compensation paid to the Publisher for the Campaign and creating and/or publishing the Information about each Issuer is set forth below under the heading captioned, “Compensation”.

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The Publisher may use various types of media (the “Media”) to disseminate the Information, at its discretion without notice to Recipients. The Information may be published on and/or through any or all the non-exclusive methods below:

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An investment in the Issuers is subject to numerous risks including but not limited to those set forth in this Disclaimer. Some but not all of these risks include:

  • Ticker Tagging attaches an Issuer’s name and symbol to that of a larger more successful company to create interest. Ticker Tags are click bait to get a reader’s attention so that they click on a link. Information contained in Ticker Tags is not true or complete and its sole purpose is to cause a Recipient to click a link to a webpage so that the Recipient is provided with the Information.
  • The Campaigns vary between Issuers. Campaigns may consist of dissemination though one or more types of Media while other Campaigns may use one or more different types of Media. Different types of Media may be disseminated at different times to different Recipients. Some types of the Media may be disseminated for longer periods of time than other types of Media. The Media may be coordinated in a manner designed to create an increase in the volume and trading price of an Issuer’s securities for a temporary period of time. You should not consider increases in volume and price of an Issuer’s securities during a Campaign as an indication or measure of value or price.
  • The Publisher may disseminate the Information multiple times and at different times that are minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months apart. As such, the Information may be viewed by Recipients at different times that are minutes, hours, days or even weeks apart. Typically, the earlier the Recipient receives the Information, the lower the price at which he or she can purchase an Issuer’s securities. As a result, the later a Recipient receives the Information, the more likely it is that the Recipient will suffer increased trading losses if he purchases the securities of an Issuer. Recipients who receive the Information at later times will likely pay prices which are higher than the prices paid by Recipients who receive the information earlier in the Campaign. Temporary volume and price increases will likely result from Recipients buying an Issuer’s securities during the Campaign. If you invest in an Issuer’s securities based upon these temporary volume and price increases, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Publisher does not publish negative information because it is compensated to publish only favorable information. The Information is a one-sided incomplete favorable snapshot and as such, the Information is not balanced, complete, accurate, truthful or reliable. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Information does not include the information necessary to make an informed investment decision. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment. If you invest in the Issuers, you should be prepared to lose your entire investment without a change to your standard of living.
  • The Publisher receives the Information from the Issuer, Paying Party or other sources such as press releases, stock message boards or websites, the OTC Markets, Google, NASDAQ, NYSE, Yahoo, Bing, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) Edgar database or other available sources. Information derived from these sources should not be deemed to be reliable, true or complete. The Publisher does not verify or assert the truthfulness, completeness, accuracy or reliability of the Information. The Publisher conducts no due diligence or investigation of the Issuers or their securities and it does not receive any verification from the Issuers concerning the truthfulness or completeness of the Information. The Publisher does not review, nor does it have the sophistication or resources necessary to analyze the financial condition, operations, business, management, risks or prospects involved in an investment in the securities of any of the Issuers. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • Past results of an Issuer do not guarantee future performance. The Information should not be interpreted in any way, shape, form or manner whatsoever as an indication of an Issuer’s future stock price or future financial performance. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If the Information states that an Issuer’s securities are consistent with a future economic trend, then it should not be relied upon and should be considered as satire or an error. Even if a Recipient’s own independent research indicates that an Issuer’s securities are consistent with future economic trends, each Recipient should be aware that economic trends have their own limitations, including: (a) that economic trends or predictions may be speculative; (b) consumers, producers, investors, borrowers, lenders and government may react in unforeseen ways and be affected by behavioral biases that The Publisher is unable to predict; (c) human and social factors may outweigh future economic trends that the Publisher state may or will occur; (d) clear cut economic predictions have their limitations in that they do not account for the fundamental uncertainty in economic life, as well as ordinary life; (e) economic trends may be disrupted by sudden jumps, disruptions or other factors that are not accounted for in economic trends analysis; in other words, past or present data predicting future economic trends may become irrelevant in light of new circumstances and situations in which uncertainty becomes reality rather than predicted economic outcome; or (f) if the trend predicted involves a single result, it ignores other scenarios that may be crucial to make a decision in the event of unknown contingencies. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Publisher is not nor is it qualified to act as: (i) an investment adviser or an entity engaging in activities that would be deemed to be providing investment advice that requires registration either at the federal or state level, (ii) a broker-dealer or an individual acting in the capacity of a registered representative or broker-dealer, (iii) a stock picker, (iv) a securities trading or investment expert, (v) a securities researcher or analyst, (vi) a financial planner or one who engages in financial planning, (vii) a party who provides advice about buy, sell or hold recommendations as to specific securities; (viii) a clairvoyant, physic or fortune teller, or (ix) a party or an agent offering securities for sale or soliciting their purchase. References in the Information that refer to a security as a “stock pick” means it is a stock advertised by the Publisher and is not an indication the Issuer or its securities have been picked, chosen, selected, researched or recommended by the Publisher or that  the Publisher  is qualified to pick, chose, select, research or recommend investments or securities. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Information should only be used, at most, and if at all, as a starting point for a Recipient to conduct a thorough investigation of the Issuer and its securities. If a Recipient relies on the Information in making an investment decision, the Recipient will likely lose most, if not all, of his or her investment. Under no circumstances should Recipients rely on the Information to make an investment decision or for any other purpose. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • There is a high degree of risk in an investment in the securities of the Issuers. Recipients may encounter difficulties determining what, if any, portions of the Information are material or non-material, making it all the more imperative that each Recipient conducts its own independent investigation of the Issuer and its securities with the assistance of its legal, tax and financial advisors. Each Recipient is expressly advised to consult with its own financial, legal or other advisers prior to an investment in the securities of an Issuer. Recipients should review with these advisers, the filings and information that may be accessed at sec.gov or www.otcmarkets.com including: (i) reviewing SEC periodic reports (Forms 10-Q and 10-K), reports of material events (Form 8-K), insider reports (Forms 3, 4, 5 and Schedule 13D), and (ii) reviewing Information and Disclosure Statements and financial reports filed with the OTCMarkets.com. Issuers may not be current in their reporting obligations with the SEC and the OTC Markets and/or their securities could have negative legends and designations at otcmarkets.com. Additionally, Recipients and their advisors should obtain and review: (i) publicly available information contained in commonly known search engines such as google, and (ii) investment guides at www.sec.gov and www.finra.org.
  • If an Issuer is an SEC reporting company, it could be delinquent (not current) in its periodic reporting obligations (i.e., in its quarterly and annual reports) with the SEC, or if it is an OTC Markets Pink Sheet quoted company, it may be delinquent in its Pink Sheet reporting obligations, which may result in OTC Markets posting a negative legend pertaining to the Issuer at www.otcmarkets.com, as follows: (i) “Limited Information” for companies with financial reporting problems, economic distress, or that are unwilling to file required reports with the Pink Sheets; (ii) “No Information,” which characterizes companies that are unable or unwilling to provide any disclosure to the public markets, to the SEC or the Pink Sheets; and (iii) “Caveat Emptor,” signifying buyers should be aware that there is a public interest concern associated with a company’s illegal spam campaign, questionable stock promotion, known investigation of a company’s fraudulent activity or its insiders, regulatory suspensions or disruptive corporate actions.
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  • The Publisher, the Paying Party or other service providers including stock promoters and advertisers (“Selling Parties”) could receive free-trading securities of an Issuer: (i) as compensation, (ii) in private or open market transactions at prices lower than the market price or price paid by Recipients, and/or (iii) in open market transactions before, during and after the Campaigns. Selling Parties may sell their securities of an Issuer at any time during the Campaigns, even while the Publisher publishes the Information instructing or encouraging Recipients to purchase securities of the Issuer. When Selling Parties sell their securities, the volume and trading price of the Issuer’s securities will likely decline. This will reduce the price at which Recipients can sell their securities and likely cause Recipients to suffer trading losses. Selling Parties may sell securities of the Issuers for less than the target prices set forth in the Information and Selling Parties may profit by selling its securities during the Campaigns while Recipients have a loss.
  • When Selling Parties acquire, purchase or sell the securities of an Issuer, it could (i) cause significant volatility in the Issuer’s securities; (ii) if purchasing, cause temporary but unrealistic increases in volume and price of the Issuer’s securities; and (iii) if selling, cause the Issuer’s stock price and trading volume to decline dramatically resulting in Selling Parties making substantial profits while Recipients who purchase during the Campaign experience significant losses.
  • The Campaigns are designed to increase the trading price of the Issuers’ securities by encouraging the Recipients of the Information to purchase an Issuer’s securities despite that the securities may not be a good investment, and the trading price of the Issuer’s securities will dramatically decline when the Campaign ends. If you rely on the Information in the Campaigns when making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If the Issuer’s trading price increases during the Campaign, it is likely the result of buying activity caused by the Campaign and such increase does not reflect the Issuer’s prospects, financial condition or an increase in the value of the Issuer’s securities. If you rely on this buying activity when making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If Selling Parties hold or are compensated in improperly free-trading securities of the Issuers, either directly or indirectly, the Selling Parties and the Issuer could be the subject to an SEC Enforcement action, including allegations of an illegal distribution in violation of Section 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act which could cause you to lose your investment.
  • The Publisher may hire service providers to disseminate the Information about the Issuers and the Publisher may not have control over such parties. The Publisher does do not verify the Information it receives from any party or information disseminated by other service providers. As such, you should not rely on the Information when making an investment decision.
  • The Information may contain statements asserting that an Issuer’s stock price has increased over a certain period of time which may reflect an arbitrary period of time, and such statements are not predictive or of any analytical quality. As such, Recipients should not rely on the Information as an analysis of the present or future potential of an Issuer or its securities. If you rely on the Information, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If any percentage gain of an Issuer’s securities from the previous day’s close is included in the Information, it is not and should not be construed as an indication that the future stock price or future operational results will reflect gains or otherwise prove to be advantageous to an investment in an Issuer. If you rely on the previous days close as an indication of performance, it could cause you to lose your investment.
  • Past results of an Issuer do not guarantee future performance. The Information should not be interpreted in any way, shape, form or manner whatsoever as an indication of an Issuer’s future stock price or future financial performance.
  • Recipients should consider the securities of the Issuers as high risk, unstable, unpredictable and illiquid which may make it difficult for Recipients to sell any securities of the Issuers that they purchase. During the Campaign the trading volume and price of the securities of each Issuer will likely increase significantly. When the Campaign ends, the volume and price of the Issuer will likely decrease dramatically.  As a result, Recipients who purchase during the Campaign or as a result of the Campaign will probably lose most, if not all, of their investment.
  • MM’s publication of the Information involves actual and material conflicts of interest including but not limited to the following:
  • The Publisher receives monetary and/or securities compensation in exchange for disseminating the Information about the Issuers.
  • The Publisher only publishes favorable information about the Issuers and does not publish any negative information about the Issuers.
  • The Paying Parties likely hold securities of an Issuer which they acquired from the Issuer, affiliate or non-affiliate shareholders or from its own open market purchases before, during or after the Campaign. The Paying Parties may have acquired these securities for services or at prices lower than that paid by Recipients. The Paying Parties may sell these securities during the Campaign while the Publisher publishes the Information recommending that Recipients purchase. Selling by a Paying Party will likely cause Recipients who purchase securities of any of the Issuers to suffer losses.



Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/07/2022 and ending on 11/09/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid  ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (ATNM:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/14/2022 and ending on 11/15/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid  ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (INLB:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and Open Market Media Group LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/21/2022 and ending on 11/22/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional seven thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid seven thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (CMND:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and Red Pill Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 1/4/2023 and ending on 1/4/2023 to publicly disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional two thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid nine thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (CMND:US). 

Guardian Financial Publishing
3571 Far West Blvd Austin, TX 78731 United States

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FinStrategist was created to help investors like you reach their goals and become legendary traders.

As promised, here is your 5 Stocks About to Reach Their 52-Week Low Report.

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2 Hours Left - Unlock My Gift Now! 🎁

This is your last chance to follow every move I make in the market for 2025.
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Schaeffer's logo

Trader, you have 2 hours left until the clock strikes midnight and the gift I offered you will sadly lock.

In my original email, I broke down some of the huge market-moving events from 2024 (attached below) ... and how 2024 was not only stressful, but how a small group of traders made some impressive gains by mirroring every move I made in my personal portfolio.

These traders were able to "look over my shoulder" and reap the benefits of trading side by side with someone who has 43+ years of personal experience... and I want to give you that opportunity over the next 12 months.

Just a reminder, this is what you'll receive as a Schaeffer's Master Portfolio subscriber:

  • Complete transparency to my stock trades.
  • Real-time email notifications when I make a change to my portfolio, along with analysis and commentary.
  • Access to view my portfolio 24 hours a day, seven days a week - even when the market is closed, the portfolio is always open on the web.
  • The chance to invest alongside me by mirroring Schaeffer's Master Portfolio.

If you were to head over to our website, you'd see access to my portfolio is available for $995 per year. However, as a gift from me to you, I dropped the subscription fee down to only $99.

This is my way of taking the stress out of trading in 2025 and guiding you to some impressive gains of your own without having to do an ounce of work yourself...

  Access My Portfolio Now!  

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas - make sure to get in before tonight's deadline.


Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

A Special Gift from Me to YOU 🎁
Gain FULL Access to My Master Portfolio!

Trader, 2024 is coming to a close... let's recap on just some of the events we've seen:

  • The 2024 Presidential Election: Joe Biden dropped out of the race after his debate with Trump, Kamala was named the Democratic nominee, assassination attempts on Trump, and the biggest news of all: Donald Trump taking back the White House as the 47th President of the United States.
  • The U.S. Aid for Ukraine: Under the Biden administration, the United States has provided more than $62 BILLION in security assistance for Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.
  • The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate by a quarter point: The third rate cut in a row - aligning with investor expectations. However, the central bank's reduced outlook for 2025 rate cuts sent the Dow tumbling further. Already on a losing streak, the Dow recently logged its 10th straight loss, marking its worst run since 1974.
  • Tech giants continued to dominate headlines in 2024, but artificial intelligence (AI) stole the show: Nvidia (NVDA) emerged as a major player, becoming one of the world's most valuable companies at times, thanks to soaring demand for its AI-powered semiconductors. This trend is poised to reshape the competitive tech landscape in 2025 and beyond.

We all know and felt it... it was chaotic, stressful, and extremely impactful on many traders' portfolios. But for me and the traders mirroring every move I made... it was also profitable.

To give you a sneak peek into my portfolio, here are some of my current open positions:

  • GE - up 77.23%
  • IBKR - up 32.33%
  • GEV - up 115.47%

Imagine the kind of edge you would have over other investors if you could have full access to my Master Portfolio and mirror every move I make in all of 2025, and in REAL-TIME...

That's exactly what I'm offering you today through this special Christmas offer. A chance to "look over my shoulder" and reap the benefits of trading side by side with someone who has 43+ years of personal experience...

You'll not only be able to see what trades I make, but I'll also give you my rationale for entering new positions.

Just check out all you get with your Schaeffer's Master Portfolio subscription:

  • Complete transparency to my stock trades.
  • Real-time email notifications when I make a change to my portfolio, along with analysis and commentary.
  • Access to view my portfolio 24 hours a day, seven days a week - even when the market is closed, the portfolio is always open on the web.
  • The chance to invest alongside me by mirroring every move I make.

Schaeffer's Master Portfolio gives you an opportunity to see my Expectational Analysis methodology at work and uncover stocks with serious profit-making potential.

You'll receive at least one new position per month (if not more), with a balance of 5-10 open positions, on average, in the portfolio.

Trader, normal subscribers pay $99 EVERY MONTH to access my portfolio. But as a gift from me to you to celebrate the holidays, you're getting YEARS' WORTH of access for $99!

  Access Right Now!  

Access to my portfolio is only available until Christmas Day and will not reopen. Join me on this wild ride and let's make some insane profits together in 2025!


Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

Top 5 Stocks About to Test Their 52-Week Low

A 52-week low is a technical indicator used by some of the world's top traders and investors to determine the current and future value of a stock. In this report we reveal today's top 5 stocks about to reach their 52-week lows.  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
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The long-awaited second season of “Squid Game” on Netflix and singing superstar Andrea Bocelli’s Christmas TV special are some of the new television, films and music near you. Continue reading ➔
Biden signs bill that averts government shutdown and brings a close to days of Washington upheaval

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden signed a bill into law Saturday that averts a government shutdown, bringing a final close to days of upheaval after Congress approved a temporary funding plan just past the deadline and refused President-elect Donald Trump’s core in the package. Continue reading ➔
Bitcoin Skyrockets on Trump's Election. Which Coin Is Next? - Ad

Juan Villaverde called the top and bottom of every crypto bull market since 2012. He believes Bitcoin will go to $150K -- or more. There's one coin he thinks could go up more . It's part of Trump's special Project Crypto. His plan to make America "the crypto capital of the planet." This could be his favorite coin.
A million taxpayers will soon receive up to $1,400 from the IRS. Who are they and why now?

Approximately 1 million taxpayers will automatically receive special payments of up to $1,400 from the IRS in the coming weeks. The money will be directly deposited into eligible people's bank accounts or sent in the mail by a paper check. Continue reading ➔
Luigi Mangione Lands In Same Brooklyn Jail As Diddy And FTX's Bankman-Fried

The alleged murderer of UnitedHealth Group CEO Brian Thompson has been transferred to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York. Continue reading ➔
Elon Musk considers funding Nigel Farage's populist party, a move that could shake up UK politics

LONDON (AP) — It’s a photo that sent a tremor through British politics: flanked by British politician and a wealthy backer, in front of a gilt-framed painting of a young . Continue reading ➔
US Stocks To Open Higher As Wall Street Expects 'Santa Rally' In Shortened Trading Week: MicroStrategy, Palantir, Qualcomm Among Stocks In Focus

U.S. stock futures advanced on Monday as two out of the four major index futures were trading higher in premarket trade. Continue reading ➔
Isak Andic, founder of Spanish fashion brand Mango, dies in accident, aged 71

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Isak Andic, the founder of Spanish fashion brand Mango, has died after suffering an accident, the company said on Saturday. He was 71. Continue reading ➔
Ex-OpenAI engineer who raised legal concerns about the technology he helped build has died

Suchir Balaji, a former OpenAI engineer and whistleblower who helped train the artificial intelligence systems behind ChatGPT and later said he believed those practices violated copyright law, has died, according to his parents and San Francisco officials. He was 26. Continue reading ➔

Trade This Candlestick Pattern on Apple (84.2% Historic Win Rate)

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