الأحد، 3 نوفمبر 2024

What’s really going on with gold?

A new gold boom is brewing. 

While I know many of you have seen the obvious signs, most haven’t.

Despite gold outperforming the S&P this year (22% vs. 29% YTD), almost nobody in the mainstream media is talking about it – everyone has been too distracted by the mania in AI and tech. 

As The Wall Street Journal writes: “quiet…” “stealthy…” “surprising…” “Gold prices are hitting record highs, and analysts say they have been caught off guard.”

While Wall Street might have missed the signs… the world’s central banks didn’t. They’ve been buying up gold at record rates: 

(YTD central bank gold purchases/sales in tonnes)

  • Turkey has bought 45 tons of gold this year. 
  • China has increased its stockpile by 316 tons. 
  • India has increased its holdings by over 260 tons.

I could go on and on. 

Because the appetite for bullion has been so insatiable that more than 20% of the gold ever mined is now deep in the vaults of the world’s central banks. 

Despite what you might hear online, these countries aren’t buying gold because they’ve suddenly become financially prudent and want to go back to the gold standard… (we can but dream).


They’re hoarding gold because they see the same warning signs as I do.

They see that no matter who wins the U.S. presidency, America is staring into the financial abyss. They see that whether it’s Trump or Kamala, neither can stop the inevitable financial crisis I’ve been warning about.

The world’s central banks see that they’re powerless to stop this catastrophe that’s about to descend upon America… and threaten every dollar in your brokerage, 401k, or savings account.

Whether it’s Trump or Harris who wins, central banks know that this unseen, unstoppable event is going to trigger a multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth that decimates certain investors while making others wildly wealthy. 

Those who own gold? 

They’ll be on the winning side of this crisis. 

While those who own the wrong assets could be decimated. 

To help you get on the right side of this crisis, I’ve produced an urgent broadcast that will show you the crisis that’s coming… how and when it’s likely to arrive… and how you can survive. 

All the details are laid out here for you.

If you don’t know me or my work, my name is Porter Stansberry and over the last 25 years, my partners and I have helped millions of Americans get on the right side of almost every major economic and financial event. 

The emerging market collapse of the late ‘90s… the dot-com boom and bust… the fall of General Motors and General Electric… the 2008 financial crisis… the COVID crash and recovery… 

But this could be the most serious warning of my career. 

Because the aftermath of the presidential election is going to tear America apart… and cast everyone, regardless of who they vote for, into one of two camps: rich or poor.

Those who do nothing could lose everything.

That’s why I’m inviting you to this emergency broadcast.

I want to make sure you’re on the winning side of this divide.

Because despite the disruption ahead, as long as you are prepared, the next four years could potentially be the greatest wealth-building window of your lifetime.

So if you own any stocks, are saving for retirement, or are responsible for your family’s financial future… let me stress this in the simplest possible way… you cannot afford to miss this event. 

Most people will bury their heads in the sand. 

They won’t want to confront the reality of what’s coming. I get it. It’s easier that way. But unless urgent action is taken, I believe you could be blindsided by one of the most brutal events ever to hit the financial markets.

You owe it to yourself to find out what’s really going on.

Go here now to watch my broadcast while you still can.

Porter Stansberry

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Protect Your Bank Account with THESE 4 Simple Steps

Dear Reader,

Starting as soon as a few months from now, the United States government will make a sweeping change to bank accounts nationwide.

It will give them unprecedented powers to control your bank account.

They could closely track every transaction.

They could even freeze it.

Unless you protect yourself today. Fortunately, there are 4 simple steps you can take to safeguard your savings.

Discover these 4 simple steps here.

Good luck and God bless!


Martin D. Weiss, PhD
Weiss Ratings Founder

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