الخميس، 13 فبراير 2020

Job Alert Shop

Job Alert Shop

Engineering Manager – Communication & Security Systems

Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

Job title: Engineering Manager – Communication & Security Systems

Company: Washington Metroplitan Area Transit Authority

Job description: to be accessible and free from discrimination. This posting is an announcement of a vacant position under recruitment. It… by Dice

Expected salary:

Location: Graham, ON – USA

Job date: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 08:59:19 GMT

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$1000 No Deposit: http://bit.ly/2QIxenT
Hot news from FBS: Trade 100 Bonus!!!: http://bit.ly/2Qrz1Pz

Experienced Litigation Adjuster

Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:23 AM PST

Job title: Experienced Litigation Adjuster

Company: Allstate

Job description: , this job is responsible for investigating complex claims when an attorney is representing the injured party which typically will include: (1…Where good people build rewarding careers. Think that working in the insurance field can't be exciting, rewarding…

Expected salary:

Location: San Antonio, TX

Job date: Sun, 09 Feb 2020 08:17:22 GMT

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50 Kg Weight Loss Journey of Dinesh Mohan Motivational Interview

Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST

Date: 2020-02-12 04:00:04

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Lose 50 Kg within 8 Months |Weight Loss Journey of Dinesh Mohan | Motivational Interview हिन्दी In today’s video I have interviewed Mr. Dinesh Mohan ji’s …

About the Product

Brought to you by the creators of The 2 Week Diet and another 7-Figure Marketer – both official ClickBank platinum vendors – the all-new 1 Minute Weight Loss draws on science, nutrition and years of research.

Losing weight, looking great, and feeling great, are extremely important – and in today’s stressful, competitive world, it’s more important now than ever. People no longer have a spare hour a day to go to the gym, killing themselves after a brutal 8 or 9 hour work day. People are busy. Technology changes, so why shouldn’t the way you lose diet evolve too?

With a plethora of news coverage, independent research and scientific study backing it, HIT or high intensity training exercises are not only appealing, but proven to work.

With over 20 hours of professionally shot instructional videos done by a trained fitness professional, weight loss recipes and meal plans, high quality illustrated guides, this amazing product is bound to create value for anyone who buys it… and possibly change their life!

And the sooner you get in on this promising new product, the more you stand to earn from this seriously large market.

1 Minute Weight Loss Cookbook

Nearly 50% of all Americans are considered to be overweight, and this number is only continuing to increase.

The real truth of the matter is, most of this could be prevented by simply eating healthy. Thats why I created the perfect compliment to the 1 Minute Weight Loss System, the 1 Minute Weight Loss Cookbook; loaded with simple, good tasting healthy meals.

Melting Fat – Head To Toe

This is a supplemental guide that goes along with the 1 Minute Weight Loss Cookbook. It focuses in on different types of types of food, berries, nuts and spices.

You'll learn about a handful of unusual foods and habits that cleanse your body, "super charge" its metabolism, and give it the ability to burn fat faster than normal individuals.

Rapid Results

This is a VIP module that contains specialized warm-ups, routines and instructions to help maximize your weight loss goals.

With over 1 hour of private video content, we’ll have you back into shape in no time at all!

Is it Possible to Lose Weight With Just 1 Minute Per Day?

Click Here To Get Started Now!

 There is no doubt that High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) is a trend worth watching in the exercise world. So many people talk about it these days and there is a buzz in all types of media. It is also sometimes called the one minute weight loss routine, because you alternate those periods of all out activity with work that is at about 50 per cent. Here we will explore what people are saying about H.I.I.T. in terms of effectiveness and the results that they have obtained.


 In “Reader’s Digest”, they have some before and after pictures with people doing these work-out’s (https://www.rd.com/health/fitness/hiit-before-and-after-pictures/). If you look at the pictures, the results seem to speak for themselves. Some of the participants toned down, and some of them look like they lost a person. Most of these people seem to have done H.I.I.T. the right way. They talk about boot camp, which is notorious for getting in shape. Others regale their group fitness sessions. With exercises such as walking lunges and medicine ball slams, there’s no wonder that these people were about to shed pounds. Another popular exercise cited was the suicide run. This is where you run as fast as you can for certain amounts of time. This may bring back memories of racing in the gym in school to certain lines, touching them, then racing back. That early invention of intervals has fully caught on in the adult world now. Even a personal trainer in the story used it to lose a dress size.


 People who tout success with this regime seem to get help to ensure that they are doing it right. However, if you are doing it on your own, then studies show that too much of a good thing can be bad. Aside from the build up of too much lactic acid, which can lead to muscle fatigue, you might also be putting your body into fight or flight mode. You might also be releasing too much cortisol, which can be detrimental to your body. For this reason, researchers suggest that thirty to forty minutes a week of high intensity is the maximum. And their definition of high intensity is that where you work at 90% above your heart rate. If you bump it down to 85%, then forty to fifty minutes is your new allowance. For this reason, you should be careful about how much high intensity that you are actually doing. If you tend to be the type of person who has no holds barred, you could actually be going too hard.


 Another critical component to the success of H.I.I.T., according to the experts, is your actual recovery time. This is actually another important part of this work out. The recovery time is when all the good stuff happens, and circumventing this can actually impede your results. Some people want to do the 1 minute weight loss routine thirty times in one session. This is fine, as long as you don’t reach H.I.I.T. the rest of the week. Usually, experts recommend a day off of a certain muscle group to allow it to recover. If you’re doing intervals, you could follow the same maxim. There’s no hard and fast rule except that you shouldn’t overdose on the one minute weight loss routine in the same week. And after you’ve tried a H.I.I.T. work-out, you might not even want to. The suicide run might have you feeling a little sore the next door. Make sure for this reason that you warm up and cool down before each work out.


 You’ve probably seen your favorite You Tuber or celebrity slamming that medicine ball on their Instagram or in their videos. Your view of the kettle bell has probably forever changed- that is if you even had one before. But actually delving into this work out will require a trainer, a class, or boot camp if you want to really get an introduction for yourself. You also might want to invest in a Polar A370 watch with an H10 chest strap or something of that nature if you want to really measure your heart rate. And then, get ready to immerse yourself in this work-out revolution. Just don’t forget to take your before and after photos.

Click Here To Get Started Now!


Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:07 AM PST


Company: Burgess Paluch Legal Recruitment

Job description: mix of files including substantial personal injury, professional indemnity, public liability work…

Expected salary:

Location: Melbourne, VIC

Job date: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 06:25:40 GMT

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$1000 No Deposit Click Herre !!!
Scorching information from FBS: Business 100 Bonus Click Herre !!!

$1000 No Deposit: http://bit.ly/2QIxenT
Hot news from FBS: Trade 100 Bonus!!!: http://bit.ly/2Qrz1Pz

L&I Workers’ Compensation Adjudicator 4 (Legal Svcs/Third Party)

Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

Job title: L&I Workers’ Compensation Adjudicator 4 (Legal Svcs/Third Party)


Job description: Some of what you will do: Interact with injured workers, employers, attorneys, insurance adjusters and the Office of the Attorney General. Assert… one of the most competitive benefits packages in the nation. Here at the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I), we believe…

Expected salary: $4270 – 5604 per month

Location: Thurston County, WA – Tumwater, WA

Job date: Sat, 08 Feb 2020 07:25:42 GMT

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Scorching information from FBS: Business 100 Bonus Click Herre !!!

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