الاثنين، 26 سبتمبر 2022

We know you love a good quest of Dnd5e, and we are about to launch a new Kickstarter: Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Grim Hollow

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Are you serious about your Dnd Skills?

We are Ghostfire Gaming, an Australian Table Top Role Playing company innovating the way you play Dnd for 3 years now. We have launched some of the most sucessful Kickstarters in the TTRPG industry like Grim Hollow, Twisted Taverns, Arora, Sunken Isles and many more.

Are you a fan of Dark Fantasy Dnd's? A new Kikstarter just finished with more than 8,000 backers and $1,000,000 funded with!

Check it out here: Sebastian Crow's Guide to Grim Hollow

We have a blog to help you elevate your game to new highs!

Authors like Ben Byrne, Alex Caton, Benjamin Huffman, Dael Kingsmill and many more discuss all about Dnd Races, strategies, and campaigns to take your game to a different level.

Take a look a the most recent post like:

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make MORE money during a recession? (here’s how)

Although I usually reach out to you about ways to improve your body's health, today's email is about a different type of health.

A type of health that is more at risk today than it has been in over a decade.

But after this short email, you'll know exactly how to protect yourself, and even thrive.

So which type of health am I talking about? 

Your financial health

It's no secret that a recession is coming, inflation is skyrocketing, and jobs aren't coming back at the pace we lost them.

And your financial health is at the whim of all of these.

The fact is, people will lose jobs. They'll depend on savings just to buy the basic essentials like milk and gas. And many will decide between paying bills or feeding their family.

That's the bad news.

The good news is, there's something you can do to grow your financial health, right now – even while the rest of the world is in a tailspin. 

And it's all thanks to a unique "side hustle" that has proven to stand strong during a recession. 

While the stock market was going downhill and forcing investors to sell their shares, this "side hustle" was doing just the opposite, it was MAKING people money...and with ease…

But don't worry — this has nothing to do with stocks or investing in them.

People who use this strategy were living their normal lives, "working" less than an hour a day…while the rest of the world was panicking. 

Heck, they're even going on vacations, building up their savings, and even retiring early.

And they're not even concerned with the recession.

The best part?

One of the most sought-after experts in this "side hustle" is a good friend of mine and he's agreed to host a free private workshop for my email readers.

And on this live workshop, he's going to show you how he makes over $30k a month with this side hustle – spending less than an hour per day on it.

My favorite thing about this workshop is it's completely beginner friendly and you'll be able to use what you discover to make money THAT day.

Literally watch the workshop and you'll know how to start earning immediately.

Pretty cool, right?

But there's one "catch"…

His software where he's hosting this workshop only holds 100 people…

But I'm personally sending this email to more than 10x that amount.

So I can't promise that you'll be able to attend if you wait to register.

But if the link below still works, then there's at least one spot left. So I urge you to go to the page below before someone else takes your spot.

UpTrendAlerts, 711 SW 24th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435, United States
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Why did Nancy Pelosi=?UTF-8?B?4oCZ?=s husband recently buy $1.5 million worth of this stock?

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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3 Stocks To Consider In The Morning

SponsoredSmall Cap Stock That Could 15x Your Money*

Buying into strength is a fantastic trading strategy. Instead of trying to gamble on stocks that could go up, you pick stocks that are already on their way. The trick is finding those stocks that have moved up… but still have room to grow. It can be tough. But we think this small cap stock fits the bill. 

New Buy List For Monday

New Buy list will find stocks whose price is $1 or greater,had a hold signal on the previous day and is now a buy signal. It finds Rank stocks of 30 or greater and average volume of 50,000 or greater. These stocks have 2X the volume of the previous day.

Sponsored Link#1 Oil Stock To Buy Now*

Smart investors move their money into sectors that move WITH inflation, like energy. We've got JUST the right stock recommendation for you to collect big gains despite the inflation of 2022. 

5 Top Stocks To Consider Today

These are stocks that have long term uptrends,TradersPro buy signals and are leaers in their industries.  These stocks can be found in any of theTradersPro leading industry's or sectors.

3 Biomedical Stocks To Buy Now

Biomedical technology is the application of engineering and technology principles to the domain of living or biological systems, with an emphasis on human health and diseases. 

SponsoredFive Stocks That Could Potentially Double

For months, we've dealt with absolute chaos in the markets. There was the coronavirus, the geopolitical issues, inflation, fears of Fed action, depressing economic outlooks, you name it…Now, investors want to know what's going to happen next. 

Trade Of The Day

Satsuma Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, developing novel therapeutic products for the acute treatment of migraines. The company's lead product candidate is STS101, a drug-device combination of a proprietary dry-powder formulation of dihydroergotamine mesylate.

3 Stocks To Consider In The Morning: Click Stock Symbol For Charts
Symbol Last ST Trend Signal St. Rank
RAVE Rave Restaurant Group $1.35 Up Buy 95
BLTS Bright Lights Acquisition Corp Cl A $9.90 Up Buy 91
CVII Churchill Capital Corp Vii Cl A $9.82 Up Buy 91

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What's happening inside this nondescript building in South Memphis is so incredible... That Elon's competitors have be...