الجمعة، 27 سبتمبر 2024

Why we just sold half of our stocks

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Fellow Reader,

We've already sold all or part of 52 different stocks this year - more than any other period in our firms' history.

That's given us an average gain of 50.56% on all closed trades so far this year, which is great.

But a lot of folks have written in to ask why we've begun to position our portfolio so defensively.

That's because there are five cracks forming below this market that threaten us with a widespread collapse unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime.

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And I don't see how we stop these cracks from continuing to weaken our foundation until we collapse.

There's no stimulus package from the government that is big enough...

No interest rate cut dramatic enough...

And no tax cut deep enough to prevent the inevitable.

The only thing you can do is prepare for it.

In the end, we could see the market tumble by 50%, real estate plummet by 40% and savings accounts will lose 30% and unemployment will triple.

That's why I rushed to record this new documentary for you explaining what I'm seeing... and how you can prepare for it.

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Because I don't think there's much time left to prepare.

According to my calculations, this collapse isn't coming in a year, six months or even three months.

It began quietly on October 13, 2023.

See how to prepare for the coming storm right here.

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"The Buck Stops Here,"

Dylan Jovine, CEO & Founder

Behind the Markets

  This email was sent to phanxuanhoa60.trade1357@blogger.com by editor@dailymarketalerts.com

DailyMarketAlerts c/o CLM Media LLC, 315 Ridgedale Avenue, #556, East Hanover, NJ 07936 United States

Sorry Elon, you're dead wrong about this

3 Cybersecurity Stocks to Watch as Data Breaches Rise

  This email was sent to phanxuanhoa60.trade1357@blogger.com by editor@dailymarketalerts.com

DailyMarketAlerts c/o CLM Media LLC, 315 Ridgedale Avenue, #556, East Hanover, NJ 07936 United States

When stocks stagnate, Roger Scott celebrates

You’ll never see the market the same way after this…
Hey there,

Remember the last time you were dead certain about a trade, only to watch it go sideways?

It's like trying to guess which way a car will turn at an intersection. 

You might be right half the time, but the other half... ouch.

But what if you didn't have to guess?

Our good friend Roger Scott has spent 30 years trying to crack this when it comes to trading… And right now after years and years of trying, I think he’s finally done it.

It’s all possible thanks to what he calls "Price Compression".

Here's how it works…

Imagine a stock getting boxed into a tight trading range…Institutional buyers and sellers are battling it out, neither gaining the upper hand.

Then suddenly, it breaks out… either to the downside or upside.

Now most traders would be scrambling, trying to figure out which direction to play it. 

But with "Price Compression", it doesn't matter.

Take Intel for example back in July after almost a month of tight compression…

But anyone using "Price Compression" could have seen a breakout coming…
And walked away with a gain of 172% in just 72 hours…
Up or down, it didn't matter… The profit was there either way.

Granted, there would have been smaller wins and those that did not work out and, I can't promise you'll see returns like this, trading always carries risk of loss.

But Roger can show you exactly how this strategy works and how you could start using it for your next trade.

He’s put together a short presentation that lays it all out… If you're tired of feeling like you're always on the wrong side of trades, this might be what you’ve been looking for.

Tap here to get the full details.
Talk soon,

The TradingPub 

The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical data in order to demonstrate the potential of the new system.​

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