الاثنين، 29 أغسطس 2022

4 “Strong Buy=?UTF-8?B?4oCd?= Stocks under $5

Greetings Reader,

2022 is setting up to be a landmark year.

Goldman Sachs' is calling for double-digit percentage returns.

Credit Suisse's Chief U.S. Equity Strategist is bullish on America's comeback in 2022.

But unless you're following tiny innovative companies that are transforming America... you could be missing out on the biggest gains in the market today.

Some of the winners in this group have recently posted rare and exceptional windfalls of 1,518%... 4,958%... 6,486% in just one year. And these aren't even the top performers.

However, most people will never hear about these stocks, because they're ignored by Wall Street and financial press.

Even though they have been breaking records and producing the biggest, fastest gains in recent market history. Leaving many stocks Wall Street recommends and touts, in the dust.

Look at DoorDash. When the company went public it was called "the hottest IPO of the year." But two months later, the stock was trading below its IPO price.

Meanwhile, few people knew about EVmo. A much smaller stock that was trading for just 58 cents a share.

The company was completely ignored by Wall Street analysts, even though its stock surged 653%, in the same two months DoorDash tanked.

This is just one example of an overlooked penny stock shooting through the roof.

I reveal many more in this eye-opening expose, including four penny stocks I'm targeting now that could each skyrocket 1,000% or more in 2022.

But most investors will not hear about these high-flying stocks from Wall Street.

In fact, there's an entire universe of penny stocks like these, the Street doesn't want people to know about.

Why? Because they're too small to recommend.

Even if they are the most innovative, entrepreneurial companies in America today... that could make money for investors, hand over fist.

I'm actively tracking 2022's hottest penny stocks - many of which Wall Street can't touch, yet their available to everyday investors.

I reveal everything in a brief video.

Click here to watch it now.

To Your Success,

Bob Keppel
Publisher, Total Wealth

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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DISCLAIMER: Stocks and options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stocks and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in this report. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in this report are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. Information contained in this correspondence is intended for informational purposes only and was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Information is in no way guaranteed. No guarantee of any kind is implied or possible where projections of future conditions are attempted.

Happening Now: Motley Fool is offering 60% off its top stock-picking service

Get The Motley Fool Stock Advisor - Now 60% Off

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I don't mean to boast, but The Motley Fool has had a heck of a run, and consistently led investors to some of the most life-changing investment returns the market has ever seen.

The Motley Fool is offering new members a big discount off the list price of its top stock-picking service, plus a complete membership fee back guarantee.

Join Today For 60% off*
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And there's a good reason why they're offering new members this discount* which I'll get to in a moment.

You see, our renowned team of analysts just revealed their next great stock ideas.

And I don't know about you, but I always pay attention when some of the best growth investors in the world give me a stock tip.

But please note: As of right now, you could miss out because you may not be on the list to receive the stock ideas.

You see, we only release these new recommendations to members of Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

But first, consider this:

If you read this note on June 7, 2002... when The Motley Fool recommended Marvel (years before it was acquired by Disney) and bought the stock, you'd be up 5,209% today.

Or - if you had invested in Amazon (on 9/6/2002) when we sent a buy alert at $15.31 per share, you'd be up 14,128%.

Or -  if you had invested in Netflix (on 12/15/2004) when we recommended it at $1.85 per share, you'd be up 9,518%.

Even more recently - on July 15, 2016, if you'd purchased when we announced our recommendation of Shopify, you'd be up 984% today.

But there's no need for me to cherry-pick returns here. It's as simple as this!

The stock picks in Motley Fool Stock Advisor have averaged 317% return since inception of the service. In other words, our average pick has more than tripled the stock market's return for more than a decade.

And that's the reason Stock Advisor is the greatest bargain in the financial industry in my opinion.

Now, you can't go back in time and invest in those stocks I mentioned earlier and I know what you're thinking. 

You would have had to invest in those companies over 15 years ago to see those types of returns. And while many Motley Fool members make 100x or even 200x their money with Amazon and Netflix, you can't go back in time and invest in those stocks at the beginning.

But you can join today and be among the first people to hear about our newest picks.

The reason why we're offering this to new members today?

This is your chance to get in early on what could prove to be a very special investment recommendation.

Think about how many investing trends you've missed out on, even though you knew they were going to be big.

Don't let that happen again.

Don't delay! Click here to get started.
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*Based on $199/year list price. Introductory promotion for new members only.

Motley Fool Stock Advisor returns are 316% as compared to the S&P 500 returns of 111% as of June 30, 2022. Other returns as of 6/30/22.  Rex Moore  owns shares of Shopify. The Motley Fool owns shares of Booking Holdings, Shopify, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool has a  disclosure policy.

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Sub-$0.30 Stock Adds Huge Lithium Asset to Fuel Electric Car Market


Sub-$0.30 Stock Adds Huge Lithium Asset to Fuel Electric Car Market

The Electric Vehicle boom is here. We could see over 300 million EVs on the road by the end of the next decade. And individual investors – just like you – are cashing-in. The Smart Money is going straight to the source by investing in under-the-radar lithium mining stocks like this one: Developing one of the only lithium projects on US soil and currently trading below US$0.30 per share.

More details here...

This #1 Stock Under $5

Virginia Stock-Picking Millionaire Says It’s Not About Diversification! One single stock under $5 - that trades under a secret name- could help you build your retirement

His details are here.

* Grab Your 8 Minute Options Trading System Today...Download Your Free "8 Minute Options Cookbook" Today  [AD]

* The No. 1 Rebound Stock of 2022? [AD]

* Need To Know: The Asset Classes Are Always Talking To Each Other, And Here’s What They Might Be Telling Stocks

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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DISCLAIMER: Stocks and options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stocks and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in this report. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in this report are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. Information contained in this correspondence is intended for informational purposes only and was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Information is in no way guaranteed. No guarantee of any kind is implied or possible where projections of future conditions are attempted.

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