Dear Reader, Imagine the chance at living the retirement of your dreams... with just one single stock as the cornerstone. It's entirely possible, as you'll see... The Oxford Club's Chief Investment Strategist – Alexander Green – could have retired years ago just off the profits he's made from investing in individual stocks like Netflix, Amazon and Apple. And he's not alone... THOUSANDS of Americans have built MASSIVE retirement portfolios by identifying just ONE great stock to add to their portfolio. The New York Times estimates that at least 10,000 people became millionaires from plunking just a few dollars into Microsoft between 1986 and 2000. Just one stock did all the heavy lifting for them... And gave them the freedom to escape the rat race... and follow their dreams. Now, an opportunity like this doesn't come around often... but Alex is confident he's identified the next company primed to skyrocket... And if you move quickly... this one stock could help you boost your retirement beyond your wildest dreams! Alex says it's a simple matter of fact: If you can find the "Perfect Stock," you CAN and in fact WILL retire far wealthier than you ever could have imagined. Now, this stock-picking legend wants to help YOU achieve the same success... and the chance to live the retirement of your dreams! Simply click the button below for details from Alex on what he calls the "PERFECT Stock" you can add to your portfolio TODAY!  But hurry... we don't expect this stock to stay under the radar much longer. Go here now. Sincerely, Rachel Gearhart Associate Publisher, The Oxford Club P.S. Again... the chance to build the cornerstone of a good retirement with just one stock doesn't come around very often. Alex admits it took some guts to pull the trigger on Netflix when most people had never heard of it... but says it was one of the greatest investment decisions of his life. And the company he'll detail for you today is expected to generate more sales than IBM, Facebook, and even Google... yet it trades for less than $5 a share! Don't miss your chance at boosting your wealth with this breakthrough company... click here now! |