الجمعة، 24 يناير 2025

New crypto boom will be greatest in history

Urgent Notice from Ian King, the Crypto Expert Who Made 18,325% in a Year
Crypto Expert WHo Made a Peak Gain of 18,325% in a year reveals...                                                                                                         

Urgent Notice from Ian King, the Crypto Expert Who Made 18,325% in a Year:
"Donald Trump's second term is the moment American crypto investor's have been waiting for."

Dear Reader,

According to the man who made peak gains of 18,325% in just one year from the crypto market...

We're in the very early stages of a crypto bull run that will go down as the greatest in history.

That's because, according to Ian King… Trump is about to set in motion five strategic moves that will unleash a raging crypto inferno in America.

It could create as much as $9 trillion in new wealth.

Most importantly, if you simply follow the simple recommendation Ian's outlined for you here

You have a chance at creating generational wealth for yourself, unlike anything you've ever experienced.

The best part is, you can get started with as little as $25.

But it's critical you take action now.

Click here now for full details.


Sarah Williams
Associate Editorial Manager, Banyan Hill Publishing

This ad is sent on behalf of Banyan Hill Publishing. P.O. Box 8378, Delray Beach, FL 33482.
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Guardian Financial Publishing LLC Texas and their affiliates and control persons (the “Publisher”) are in the business of publishing favorable information and/or advertisements (the “Information”) about the securities of publicly traded companies (each an “Issuer” or collectively the “Issuers”) in exchange for compensation (the “Campaigns”). Persons receiving the Information are referred to as the “Recipients.” The person or entity paying the Publisher for the Campaign is referred to herein as the “Paying Party”. The Paying Party may be an Issuer, an affiliated or non-affiliate shareholder of an Issuer or another person hired by the Issuer or an affiliate or non-affiliate shareholder of the Issuer. The nature and amount of compensation paid to the Publisher for the Campaign and creating and/or publishing the Information about each Issuer is set forth below under the heading captioned, “Compensation”.

If you clicked on a link to this page, then this Disclaimer is applicable to the Information you received or will receive about the Issuers mentioned under the heading “COMPENSATION” at the bottom of this Disclaimer.


The Publisher may use various types of media (the “Media”) to disseminate the Information, at its discretion without notice to Recipients. The Information may be published on and/or through any or all the non-exclusive methods below:

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An investment in the Issuers is subject to numerous risks including but not limited to those set forth in this Disclaimer. Some but not all of these risks include:

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  • The Campaigns vary between Issuers. Campaigns may consist of dissemination though one or more types of Media while other Campaigns may use one or more different types of Media. Different types of Media may be disseminated at different times to different Recipients. Some types of the Media may be disseminated for longer periods of time than other types of Media. The Media may be coordinated in a manner designed to create an increase in the volume and trading price of an Issuer’s securities for a temporary period of time. You should not consider increases in volume and price of an Issuer’s securities during a Campaign as an indication or measure of value or price.
  • The Publisher may disseminate the Information multiple times and at different times that are minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months apart. As such, the Information may be viewed by Recipients at different times that are minutes, hours, days or even weeks apart. Typically, the earlier the Recipient receives the Information, the lower the price at which he or she can purchase an Issuer’s securities. As a result, the later a Recipient receives the Information, the more likely it is that the Recipient will suffer increased trading losses if he purchases the securities of an Issuer. Recipients who receive the Information at later times will likely pay prices which are higher than the prices paid by Recipients who receive the information earlier in the Campaign. Temporary volume and price increases will likely result from Recipients buying an Issuer’s securities during the Campaign. If you invest in an Issuer’s securities based upon these temporary volume and price increases, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Publisher does not publish negative information because it is compensated to publish only favorable information. The Information is a one-sided incomplete favorable snapshot and as such, the Information is not balanced, complete, accurate, truthful or reliable. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Information does not include the information necessary to make an informed investment decision. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment. If you invest in the Issuers, you should be prepared to lose your entire investment without a change to your standard of living.
  • The Publisher receives the Information from the Issuer, Paying Party or other sources such as press releases, stock message boards or websites, the OTC Markets, Google, NASDAQ, NYSE, Yahoo, Bing, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) Edgar database or other available sources. Information derived from these sources should not be deemed to be reliable, true or complete. The Publisher does not verify or assert the truthfulness, completeness, accuracy or reliability of the Information. The Publisher conducts no due diligence or investigation of the Issuers or their securities and it does not receive any verification from the Issuers concerning the truthfulness or completeness of the Information. The Publisher does not review, nor does it have the sophistication or resources necessary to analyze the financial condition, operations, business, management, risks or prospects involved in an investment in the securities of any of the Issuers. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • Past results of an Issuer do not guarantee future performance. The Information should not be interpreted in any way, shape, form or manner whatsoever as an indication of an Issuer’s future stock price or future financial performance. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If the Information states that an Issuer’s securities are consistent with a future economic trend, then it should not be relied upon and should be considered as satire or an error. Even if a Recipient’s own independent research indicates that an Issuer’s securities are consistent with future economic trends, each Recipient should be aware that economic trends have their own limitations, including: (a) that economic trends or predictions may be speculative; (b) consumers, producers, investors, borrowers, lenders and government may react in unforeseen ways and be affected by behavioral biases that The Publisher is unable to predict; (c) human and social factors may outweigh future economic trends that the Publisher state may or will occur; (d) clear cut economic predictions have their limitations in that they do not account for the fundamental uncertainty in economic life, as well as ordinary life; (e) economic trends may be disrupted by sudden jumps, disruptions or other factors that are not accounted for in economic trends analysis; in other words, past or present data predicting future economic trends may become irrelevant in light of new circumstances and situations in which uncertainty becomes reality rather than predicted economic outcome; or (f) if the trend predicted involves a single result, it ignores other scenarios that may be crucial to make a decision in the event of unknown contingencies. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Publisher is not nor is it qualified to act as: (i) an investment adviser or an entity engaging in activities that would be deemed to be providing investment advice that requires registration either at the federal or state level, (ii) a broker-dealer or an individual acting in the capacity of a registered representative or broker-dealer, (iii) a stock picker, (iv) a securities trading or investment expert, (v) a securities researcher or analyst, (vi) a financial planner or one who engages in financial planning, (vii) a party who provides advice about buy, sell or hold recommendations as to specific securities; (viii) a clairvoyant, physic or fortune teller, or (ix) a party or an agent offering securities for sale or soliciting their purchase. References in the Information that refer to a security as a “stock pick” means it is a stock advertised by the Publisher and is not an indication the Issuer or its securities have been picked, chosen, selected, researched or recommended by the Publisher or that  the Publisher  is qualified to pick, chose, select, research or recommend investments or securities. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • The Information should only be used, at most, and if at all, as a starting point for a Recipient to conduct a thorough investigation of the Issuer and its securities. If a Recipient relies on the Information in making an investment decision, the Recipient will likely lose most, if not all, of his or her investment. Under no circumstances should Recipients rely on the Information to make an investment decision or for any other purpose. If you rely on the Information in making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • There is a high degree of risk in an investment in the securities of the Issuers. Recipients may encounter difficulties determining what, if any, portions of the Information are material or non-material, making it all the more imperative that each Recipient conducts its own independent investigation of the Issuer and its securities with the assistance of its legal, tax and financial advisors. Each Recipient is expressly advised to consult with its own financial, legal or other advisers prior to an investment in the securities of an Issuer. Recipients should review with these advisers, the filings and information that may be accessed at sec.gov or www.otcmarkets.com including: (i) reviewing SEC periodic reports (Forms 10-Q and 10-K), reports of material events (Form 8-K), insider reports (Forms 3, 4, 5 and Schedule 13D), and (ii) reviewing Information and Disclosure Statements and financial reports filed with the OTCMarkets.com. Issuers may not be current in their reporting obligations with the SEC and the OTC Markets and/or their securities could have negative legends and designations at otcmarkets.com. Additionally, Recipients and their advisors should obtain and review: (i) publicly available information contained in commonly known search engines such as google, and (ii) investment guides at www.sec.gov and www.finra.org.
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  • The Publisher, the Paying Party or other service providers including stock promoters and advertisers (“Selling Parties”) could receive free-trading securities of an Issuer: (i) as compensation, (ii) in private or open market transactions at prices lower than the market price or price paid by Recipients, and/or (iii) in open market transactions before, during and after the Campaigns. Selling Parties may sell their securities of an Issuer at any time during the Campaigns, even while the Publisher publishes the Information instructing or encouraging Recipients to purchase securities of the Issuer. When Selling Parties sell their securities, the volume and trading price of the Issuer’s securities will likely decline. This will reduce the price at which Recipients can sell their securities and likely cause Recipients to suffer trading losses. Selling Parties may sell securities of the Issuers for less than the target prices set forth in the Information and Selling Parties may profit by selling its securities during the Campaigns while Recipients have a loss.
  • When Selling Parties acquire, purchase or sell the securities of an Issuer, it could (i) cause significant volatility in the Issuer’s securities; (ii) if purchasing, cause temporary but unrealistic increases in volume and price of the Issuer’s securities; and (iii) if selling, cause the Issuer’s stock price and trading volume to decline dramatically resulting in Selling Parties making substantial profits while Recipients who purchase during the Campaign experience significant losses.
  • The Campaigns are designed to increase the trading price of the Issuers’ securities by encouraging the Recipients of the Information to purchase an Issuer’s securities despite that the securities may not be a good investment, and the trading price of the Issuer’s securities will dramatically decline when the Campaign ends. If you rely on the Information in the Campaigns when making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If the Issuer’s trading price increases during the Campaign, it is likely the result of buying activity caused by the Campaign and such increase does not reflect the Issuer’s prospects, financial condition or an increase in the value of the Issuer’s securities. If you rely on this buying activity when making an investment decision, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If Selling Parties hold or are compensated in improperly free-trading securities of the Issuers, either directly or indirectly, the Selling Parties and the Issuer could be the subject to an SEC Enforcement action, including allegations of an illegal distribution in violation of Section 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act which could cause you to lose your investment.
  • The Publisher may hire service providers to disseminate the Information about the Issuers and the Publisher may not have control over such parties. The Publisher does do not verify the Information it receives from any party or information disseminated by other service providers. As such, you should not rely on the Information when making an investment decision.
  • The Information may contain statements asserting that an Issuer’s stock price has increased over a certain period of time which may reflect an arbitrary period of time, and such statements are not predictive or of any analytical quality. As such, Recipients should not rely on the Information as an analysis of the present or future potential of an Issuer or its securities. If you rely on the Information, you will likely lose your investment.
  • If any percentage gain of an Issuer’s securities from the previous day’s close is included in the Information, it is not and should not be construed as an indication that the future stock price or future operational results will reflect gains or otherwise prove to be advantageous to an investment in an Issuer. If you rely on the previous days close as an indication of performance, it could cause you to lose your investment.
  • Past results of an Issuer do not guarantee future performance. The Information should not be interpreted in any way, shape, form or manner whatsoever as an indication of an Issuer’s future stock price or future financial performance.
  • Recipients should consider the securities of the Issuers as high risk, unstable, unpredictable and illiquid which may make it difficult for Recipients to sell any securities of the Issuers that they purchase. During the Campaign the trading volume and price of the securities of each Issuer will likely increase significantly. When the Campaign ends, the volume and price of the Issuer will likely decrease dramatically.  As a result, Recipients who purchase during the Campaign or as a result of the Campaign will probably lose most, if not all, of their investment.
  • MM’s publication of the Information involves actual and material conflicts of interest including but not limited to the following:
  • The Publisher receives monetary and/or securities compensation in exchange for disseminating the Information about the Issuers.
  • The Publisher only publishes favorable information about the Issuers and does not publish any negative information about the Issuers.
  • The Paying Parties likely hold securities of an Issuer which they acquired from the Issuer, affiliate or non-affiliate shareholders or from its own open market purchases before, during or after the Campaign. The Paying Parties may have acquired these securities for services or at prices lower than that paid by Recipients. The Paying Parties may sell these securities during the Campaign while the Publisher publishes the Information recommending that Recipients purchase. Selling by a Paying Party will likely cause Recipients who purchase securities of any of the Issuers to suffer losses.



Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/07/2022 and ending on 11/09/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid  ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (ATNM:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/14/2022 and ending on 11/15/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid  ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (INLB:US).

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Just wanted to touch base with you...

There are only 16 spots left to receive a LIFETIME of weekend trades.
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Trader, hear me out... let's talk hypothetically for a second.

Imagine you were a member of Weekend Trader back in December and got into Tapestry Inc. on December 30th.

Now imagine on Tuesday, January 21st, you check your email and see this trade hit our target profit and closed out for a huge 100.6% GAIN.

You could've DOUBLED your initial investment in less than a month.

Now, I'm giving you the chance to stop imagining what it would be like and to actually see these gains for yourself. Because this morning, our expert trader Todd Salamone made 50 spots available, and I included an INSANE offer for you to snatch one...

You know... the offer to receive 1-2 trade recommendations EVERY Sunday evening for LIFE for only $75.

Maybe you need a reminder of how this service can benefit you?

Well, with these recommendations you can rest comfortably knowing Todd and our team have done hours of research to select the BEST trades for you.

By the end of the week, Todd narrows his choices down to 1-2 trades primed to double your money or more in just a few weeks (as you saw above).

On top of the 100% gain Tapestry Inc. closed out this week, here's a sneak peek into some more of our recent winners:

  • 102.2% GAIN on Papa Johns
  • 104.6% GAIN on Hims & Hers Health
  • 102.3% GAIN on Twilio Inc.
  • 131.1% GAIN on Toast Inc.
  • 103.5% GAIN on Iron Mountain

If you'd like to receive this week's trades, then you need to click this link and get your subscription started now.

And if you read my previous email, you'd know I'm not just giving you a massive discount... I'm giving you LIFETIME ACCESS.

That low price of $75 will provide you with up to 96 money-doubling trade recommendations EVERY YEAR for as long as you're trading - no extra cost, no hidden fees.

If you're looking for a way to make 2025 your best trading year yet, this is where to start...

  Join Right Now!  


Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

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Happy Friday, Trader!

I wanted to reach out to you before your weekend began, I have something exciting to share with you...

Our expert trader Todd Salamone seeks out the BIGGEST profit opportunities and delivers them right to Weekend Trader members inboxes EVERY SUNDAY at 7 p.m. ET.

Why am I telling you this? Well, Todd reached out and wanted to open 50 more subscription spots for Q1. As these spots are limited, I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible... so here I am.

Spoiler alert: You'll save $1,420 by joining today, but before we get to that... I want to tell you how you'd get your money's worth...

The recommendations within Weekend Trader are going to make your life easier and WAY more profitable.

I know that's a bold statement, but hear me out...

Each week, Todd sorts through hundreds of potential Weekend Trader recommendations. It's no easy task, but, luckily, he loves the hunt for potential triple-digit winners.

By the end of the week, he pools his collective research together and decides which trades have the most potential to make a big move in short order.

He narrows his choice down to 1 or 2 truly spectacular opportunities. He only sends you the trades with serious money-doubling profit potential - typically withholding periods between one and four months.

This is a quick and easy way to position yourself for
THOUSANDS in extra cash from just a few minutes of work!

With these recommendations, you'll rest comfortably knowing that we've done hours of research and modeling to select the best trades for you. You don't have to spend a minute on research.

Plus, I think you'll be surprised just how little you have to invest. How does less than $500 for one trade sound?

Now, sometimes a recommendation will cost a little more. But for those rare occurrences, it's simply because we would hate for you to miss out on an opportunity for massive profits just because it's a little higher priced.

You probably know that the secret to maximizing your trading profits is to sell at the right time. That's why we tell you exactly when to exit each trade by giving you specific parameters to follow based on time and target profit.

You can forward this information directly to your broker or enter the trades yourself in your online trading account. Once they're set up, you don't have to spend another day worrying about them.

You won't be tied to your cell phone or computer all day checking on your trade, leaving you with more time to relax.

Also, I think you're going to be surprised at how quickly the profits can flow in with our Weekend Trader recommendations.

That's because each one is hand-selected to target +100% gains in just a few weeks.

Are you beginning to see how adding these additional trades to your arsenal can make your trading game a whole lot easier?


Look at the types of gains you'd be adding to your arsenal:

  • 100.6% GAIN on Tapestry Inc.
  • 102.2% GAIN on Papa Johns
  • 104.6% GAIN on Hims & Hers Health
  • 102.3% GAIN on Twilio Inc.
  • 131.1% GAIN on Toast Inc.
  • 103.5% GAIN on Iron Mountain

Trader, Tapestry Inc. closed out THIS WEEK. Members got into this trade on December 30th, and not even a month later on January 21st, they DOUBLED their money.

And remember, these explosive gains happened by following our instructions in their Sunday night email... and they get to do it again this Sunday!

Here at Schaeffer's, we will tell you exactly how to set up your trades using specific entry and exit instructions - everything you need to know is included in each recommendation. Just set it and forget it.

So why are we making you this incredible offer?

Well, because here at Schaeffer's we WANT to do the work for you.

Plus, I know that once you see the kind of gains you can make in the coming months with these trades, how easy these trades are to execute, and how much more time you'll save... you'll fall in love with this trading program just as your fellow traders have.

But only the first 50 of you will be able to accept this offer, so if you want in... I need to hear from you ASAP!

Finally! Guilt-FREE Easy-Chair Lounging!

If you're anything like me, you tend to feel a little guilty for sitting and relaxing - you know "doing nothing" - in your favorite easy chair.

But now you don't have to. Because while you're relaxing, you can be making money as a Weekend Trader.

Now this weekend trading service is normally $1,495 per year. But that's not what you'll have to pay to join...

When you subscribe today for one year, we'll immediately remove the expiration date on your subscription.

Meaning, after your one-time payment today, you'll never be met with a renewal charge again. Just never-ending access to weekly trades - that's up to 96 trade recommendations targeting 2X profits every year!

We look forward to providing you with many money-doubling potential trades over many weeks to come.

Once you sign up, you'll receive your first trade recommendation in your email this Sunday, January 26th at 7 p.m. ET sharp.

  Join Weekend Trader  

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Schaeffer's blue logo, small

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

Expectations for uranium are very, very high.

Get the #1 Uranium Play before it’s too late

I foresee a huge 2025 rally in Uranium!

Because the Trump administration is bullish on nuclear power and expectations for uranium are very, very high.

That should tell you one thing…
That’s why on Wednesday, January 22nd at 1:30 PM ET, I’m revealing my #1 Uranium Play.

And it has nothing to do with directional trading…

Nothing to do with short term, unpredictable swing trades…

And nothing to do with boring income strategies where you have to risk your entire account for pennies.

I designed it to work in ANY market condition to start the year strong.

Granted, I cannot promise future returns or against losses, but you don’t want to end up kicking yourself if you’re left behind on the 2025 Uranium Boom.

So get the #1 Uranium Play on Wednesday, January 22nd at 1:30 PM ET.

See ya there,



Better Than Bitcoin? (Top Crypto for Less Than $1)

Over the past 15 years, Bitcoin has outperformed stocks, bonds, and every other asset you could've bought. Many predict 2025 will be an even bigger year--hitting $200,000 or higher. But there's a better way to profit from this new crypto rally. Most people don't know about it... and yet it's returned over 1,000% in 4 months. This could be the #1 way to invest in crypto in 2025.  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
SystemTrading Logo
Better Than Bitcoin? (Top Crypto for Less Than $1) - Ad

Over the past 15 years, Bitcoin has outperformed stocks, bonds, and every other asset you could've bought. Many predict 2025 will be an even bigger year--hitting $200,000 or higher. But there's a better way to profit from this new crypto rally. Most people don't know about it... and yet it's returned over 1,000% in 4 months. This could be the #1 way to invest in crypto in 2025. Learn more here
SPDR Gold Shares Vs. iShares Gold Trust: Two Shiny ETFs In Focus As 'Tariff Man' Trump Fuels Uncertainty

Gold prices surged to near three-month highs this week, with spot gold reaching $2,755.2 per ounce on Jan. 22, just below its record peak. Continue Reading ➔
The Next Nvidia? - Ad

Wall Street legend has just uncovered one tiny Maryland company that could become the next Nvidia. Few in the media are talking about this story yet...but in the next 6 months that's all they'll talk about. Go here now for this breaking story.
Marco Rubio Reportedly Set To Visit Panama Amid Trump's Canal Rhetoric

Marco Rubio plans his first foreign tour as Secretary of State, focusing on migration and the Panama Canal amid U.S.-Panama tensions. Continue Reading ➔
Leuthold Group Introduces Select Industries ETF, Focus On Companies Ready To Outperform

Leuthold Group launches new ETF, Leuthold Select Industries ETF (LST), focusing on specific industry groups for potential outperformance. Continue Reading ➔
The #1 Free Indicator I've Used for the Last 30 Years (No One Else Does) - Ad

In 2008, I warned of a huge crash in the market. In February 2020, I told readers to get out of stocks before one of the fastest crashes in US history. I'm not guessing when I make these calls. All you needed was one, FREE indicator. This indicator alerts me when I should buy and when to sell. My name's Scott Redler. I'm one of the most well known traders on Wall Street. Continue Reading ➔
CNN is announcing layoffs as part of a further shift to digital business

CNN expects to lay off about 200 people as part of a restructuring announced on Thursday that pivots the news organization toward a more digitally oriented future. Continue Reading ➔
PUMA Sees Growth In Q4 Sales, Warns Of Cost Cut In 2025

Puma SE reported a 9.8% sales growth in Q4 FY24 and launched a new efficiency program aiming to enhance profitability through cost control measures and strategic investments. Continue Reading ➔
Oracle's Larry Ellison Says Cancer Vaccine Tailored In 48 Hours Could Soon Be A Reality As Trump Announces $500 Billion AI Investment

Larry Ellison unveiled plans for an AI-driven cancer vaccine system that could deliver personalized treatments within 48 hours. Continue Reading ➔
What Melania Trump wore to the inauguration -- including the hat

While red baseball caps have become synonymous with President Donald Trump, made her own millinery-related fashion statement, sporting a navy wide-brimmed hat by an American designer Continue Reading ➔
270x More Lucrative Than NVIDIA? - Ad

If you've missed out on NVIDIA's recent 1,600% run... Don't worry. Because there's one AI stock that could be a lot more lucrative. It's currently trading for only $20. Get the ticker here >>>
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Drop Amid Stock Rally, Cooling Investor Sentiment On Trump: Analyst Projects BTC At $150K If History Repeats

Leading cryptocurrencies dipped on Wednesday, diverging with the stock market rally, as the market expects more from the new Donald Trump administration. Continue Reading ➔
AI, AI Agents Will Create 'Unprecedented Opportunities And Profound Risks,' World Economic Forum Says

Artificial intelligence and AI agents are changing the workforce and the job market, according to a report from the World Economic Forum.  Continue Reading ➔
Trump heads back to Davos, this time virtually, for elite World Economic Forum gathering

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — Donald Trump is coming to Davos. Virtually. Continue Reading ➔
Trump leans in on targeting Russian oil revenue as he tries to fulfill pledge to end Ukraine war

WASHINGTON (AP) — is emphasizing that targeting Russia's oil revenue is the best way to get Moscow to end its nearly three-year war against Ukraine. Continue Reading ➔
One Tech Tip: How to delete Facebook, Instagram and Threads if you don't like Meta's changes

LONDON (AP) — Should I stay or should I go — from Meta's social media platforms? Continue Reading ➔
Trump Outlines Economic Reset At Davos: 5 Things You Need To Know

Trump touts aggressive economic agenda at WEF 2025, promising tax cuts, deregulation, energy expansion, and tough stance on global trade. Continue Reading ➔

New crypto boom will be greatest in history

Urgent Notice from Ian King, the Crypto Expert Who Made 18,325% in a Year Crypto Expert WHo Made a Peak Gain of 18,325% in a y...