الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2024

Powell feeling pressured

Game plan for the FED volatility before it’s too late
With the FED meeting next week, you need a game plan to target volatility in the fallout.

Because, no matter what projections the media makes about what will be said or how interest rates will be affected…

If Powell makes an unexpected move, you don’t want to be caught off guard.

Anything could happen when a guy like him feels pressure.

With the upcoming and unprecedented election upon us, who knows what he’ll do.

It’s a recipe for uncertainty now and a wave of volatility next week.

There's one guy who couldn't care less about what Powell does.

And that's Nate Tucci...

You see Nate has developed a proven way to play the FED meeting fallout.

One that allows him to tap into income opportunities during intense volatility.

And he'll be using it to target income from the Nasdaq with his prediction of the week…
Which he’s reliably nailed so far with 76.9% accuracy.

And the next income opportunity is setting up as we speak!

We can’t guarantee results or against losses, but you can discover Nate’s play for the FED meeting Fallout if you follow this link now.

Your friends at ProsperityPub

Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The average return per trade alert (winners and losers included) with live trading is 14.96% over a 7 day hold time, and a 76.9% win rate with an average winner of 49.26%.


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