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We're going to send out editorial content from all our Adam Mesh LIVE editors 3-4x per week to you. Zero cost to you. Stay tuned for new insights on options to trade, tickers to watch and market predictions from Adam Mesh, Christian Tharp, Steve Smith and Tim Biggam. | Last week, Tim Biggam highlighted GOGO as his unusual options pick. He said to sell covered calls into the volatility as it soared from $7 to $8. Then… it dropped 10%+ from there. Making the covered call a win and your stock purchase somewhat flat. A perfect trade to make for long-term holders. This week, he has a $10 industrial stock. Every week of 2025, Tim's unusual options pick has made huge moves the following week… pay attention. This week, Tim covers: -
The most surprising unusual options move this week… in the industrial space -
Is the trend break on the SPX just a short-term low? -
A short, 3-week options trade on this industrial name …and more. | Tim Biggam just unveiled his unusual options strategy live on camera
| For the first time in years… Tim Biggam went live with Adam Mesh yesterday to go through: -
What unusual options activity he's spotting now -
The current market trend -
Why Incorporating Option Selling Into Trade Structure More Important Now (VIX at recent highs) -
How to Still Make $$$ If Stock Market Remains Mired -
Finally Time To Buy The Underperformers / Sell The Outperformers -
Become An IV League Trader And more. He's made some huge unusual options activity calls recently… including one that popped 20%+ in a week since he alerted. Here's the replay to it. | |
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