الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2024

RE: About today’s One Ticker Challenge

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Hey, just a quick update about today’s One Ticker Challenge premiere

So I haven’t mentioned this publicly yet but…

I’ll be looking to bring onboard a small group of 100 traders on this new challenge.

Together, we’re going to focus on just ONE stock… ONE trade… basically ONE opportunity at a time…

And we’ll be doing that all the way through 2025.

Now I cannot promise future returns or against losses…

But when you consider that we grew the model account by 192% from just 16 trades alone…

You can only imagine what would happen when we deploy the same technique over the next 12 months.

The real question at this point is – Will you join me?

If yes, then I’ll see you at 12:30pm ET… I suggest you come with a pen and notepad too…

Lots of stuff to learn.
Jack Carter

The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from real time trade alerts that were sent out to the beta testers in REAL time. The average return per trade (winners and losers included) is 13% per week and a 76% win rate with an average winner of 30.3%.


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