الجمعة، 1 نوفمبر 2024

70+ years of market data about the election on ONE clear chart

PLUS get the #1 stock Wall Street is piling into before Nov 5th.
Take a look at what 70+ years of data shows could happen after the election on November 5th.
As that chart shows, historically stocks get red hot afterward.

If it happens after next week’s election, and I think it will…

You’ll want to know where the TOP opportunities are.

And I’ve got my eye on the #1 stock that Wall Street is piling into before election night.

You’ll get the exact ticker and details completely free.

PLUS I’ll show you my favorite way to target an opportunity like this one!

I can’t promise results or against losses, but we’re quickly closing in on November 5th!

Click here to see where Wall Street’s money is going as we head into election night!

Trade well,
Jack Carter


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