Thursday 17 October 2024

this is a “wide” market…

I promise in today’s newsletter I won’t remind you how bullish I am for the 100th time…

Instead, I will try to be more specific on the opportunities out there and why I think right now is such a unique time to be investing.

You see, in most markets with opportunity abounding, I think the opportunities are more “narrow”...

Tech or real estate or precious metals or energy are lifting the entire market.

We saw that just 6 months ago with the Magnificent 7 responsible for almost all the upside in the market.

In 2022, we saw it with energy being the only major sector with consistent upside.

But right now, things are really different.

And I personally believe it puts folks like you and I in the best position we’ve been in a decade.

Now, before I go on, let me be clear:

I don’t know how long this will last. I am not telling you to go “all in” with abandon, because I am cautiously aware that the other shoe will drop at some point.

But I actually think that’s part of the beauty of where we find ourselves right now…

Here’s what I mean:

Gold is up massively this year. I’ve been touting it since November of 2023 and it’s been on a massive run since then. I think we have way more upside.


Utilities have been killing it for the last 8 months…

I’ve traded XLU a ton lately and it’s been awesome.

And then there’s uranium which hasn’t been quite as consistent for me, but still has shown a ton of upside. And it seems like it is finally gaining some serious momentum this month. I’ve mostly been focused on CCJ:


And that doesn’t even include moonshot opportunities like CAVA and NVDA that have just soared this year!

Those are the two highest performing stocks in my buy and hold portfolio by far:

But the point I am trying to make here is that this market is giving us upside in all kinds of different areas…

Gold, energy, utilities, tech…

It’s not narrow or limited.

And that’s amazing for us because it means we can use smart diversification – picking the best assets across different verticals – and not sacrifice upside along the way.

I mean, usually, if you’re holding gold with 10% of your portfolio it is just wasted during the times when tech is flying higher… But not this year!

Same with energy and utilities for that matter.

And the beauty of this situation is that if the market does hit a hard correction, it’s likely that some of these areas will overperform even more (like gold and energy).

So while there’s no way to be perfectly hedged while being aggressively bullish, this market is about as close as we’ll ever get in my view.

And then there are even MORE opportunities like the daily income strategy I’ve been perfecting.

With the market churning higher while also showing good volatility, those opportunities are as good as ever too.

I am now 10 for 11 on these puppies in my real money trading (and they’ve shown a 90% percent hit rate on over 400 signals in our testing too)...

I’ll be sharing more details about this “Overnight Income Project” real soon, but the key takeaway here is this:

We have great opportunities right now to tap into the market and be “wider” with our approach without giving up a ton of upside like we usually would.

Let’s take advantage!

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