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DISCLAIMER COMPENSATION Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/07/2022 and ending on 11/09/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (ATNM:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (ATNM:US). Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and TD Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/14/2022 and ending on 11/15/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid ten thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (INLB:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (INLB:US). Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and Open Market Media Group LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 11/21/2022 and ending on 11/22/2022 to publicly disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional seven thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid seven thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (CMND:US). Pursuant to an agreement between Guardian Financial Publishing LLC and Red Pill Media LLC, Guardian Financial Publishing LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 1/4/2023 and ending on 1/4/2023 to publicly disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional two thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer. To date we have been paid nine thousand dollars USD via bank wire transfer to disseminate information about (CMND:US) via digital communications. We own zero shares of (CMND:US). Guardian Financial Publishing |
According to a report from The Motley Fool, 95% of day traders lose their money. You see, the main reason why they end up on the wrong side of the market is mainly because they take their shots at market moves the same way everyone does… But if we’re being real, you need to steer off the regular way if you want to get the most out of the markets. Now, thanks to a special system, we can take our shots at 50% gains in 60 minutes or less… And the most interesting part about it? We have a shot at these gains up to 10 times a day! Which is why I started the 1,000-win challenge – so everyday traders like you and I can target wins from the markets every single day! In fact, as you read this, we’ve been able to book 68 wins so far. And right now, I’ve picked out three tickers that could be our very next win. Naturally, I can’t guarantee wins or prevent losses, but tomorrow at 1:00 pm, I’ll be in the LIVE room to share these three tickers with you… And more importantly, you’ll see exactly how I plan to turn them into what could be an extra 50% or more in pure gains. So if you’d like to catch all the details when I’m LIVE tomorrow… Grab your login link in my telegram channel now! See you tomorrow. Jeffry Turnmire P.S. Want to see the 3 tickers I’m targeting tomorrow? Reply to this email to RSVP for the live session! Don’t miss it! The profits and performance shown today are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 7/10/24 - 12/30/24, the result was a 75.6% win rate on 1,348 trade signals with an average hold time of less than 24 hours on the underlying stock. |
ABOUT US: We believe that the opportunity for financial literacy and freedom belongs to all people, not just those who already have years of investing experience. Jeffry Turnmire Trading provides an array of educational services and products that will help you navigate the markets and become a better investor. Trading is made simple through our online forum full of trading techniques to give you the best tools to kick-start your investing journey. We offer collaborative webinars and training; we love to teach. No matter the opportunity, we bring together a strong community of like-minded traders to focus on analyzing market news as it’s presented each day. Unsubscribe |
Using our Quantum Score to quickly analyze some good and not-so-good stocks. January 14, 2025 Power Trends+ : ...