Thursday 17 October 2024

Options mispricing leads to an unbeaten trading streak

16 months, 84 trades, 0 losses
Wall Street just made a big mistake… And nobody in the media seems to be talking about it.

I'm Jeffry Turnmire… and for the past 16 months, I've been exploiting a bizarre pricing error that keeps happening on one overlooked ticker.

Here’s the gist… Wall Street's algorithms are consistently mispricing this stock's options… 

Like clockwork, this happens 20-30 days before expiration, EVERY SINGLE TIME!

And because this seems to happen more often than not allowed me to issue 84 trade alerts without a single loss.

Without using any fancy algorithm or AI system… All I needed was a regular brokerage account.

On average, this “Income Glitch” targets $2,156 in extra income each month, on a $10k starting stake.

Now, as a trader, I know how important it is to double down on something when it’s coming, even though I doubt Wall Street will ever realize this mistake that keeps happening… I can never be too certain.

And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses, on Friday I’m holding a workshop to show you exactly how I’ve been doing this for the past 16 months and have you look over my shoulder to see how you can start using this “Income Glitch” too.

Here’s the link to secure a seat.
See you soon,
Jeffry Turnmire
*The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 6/28/22 to 10/10/24 the win rate is 100% over 84 published alerts *(see footnote). The average return is 7.25% with an average hold of 13 days. Annualized the return on options is 233.63% per year without compounding.

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