الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2023

If You Missed Out on the Internet Boom, Read This

Dear Reader,
Let’s go back to the early 1990s…
If you realized how big the internet was going to be … AND you put your money behind that conviction…
You could have enjoyed gains like these:
If you’re like most of us, you missed out on that opportunity.
You see, there’s a tech trend that’s early in its breakout phase.
This isn’t some distant, far-off idea like flying cars. This is actually being used in the real world.
But like the internet in the early 1990s, it hasn’t hit the mainstream yet.
And that’s not an idle claim. Vanguard’s Global Head of Investment agrees and said:

"If I had to pick one field that was going to be bigger than the internet ... it would be [this technology]."

To discover what this trend is — and the tiny, small-cap stock that’s poised to play a central role in its mass adoption — click here.

Matt Clark
Research Analyst, Money & Markets

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