الأربعاء، 14 سبتمبر 2022

Is This “Silent Killer” Inside Your Portfolio?

Dear Reader,
Hi, I’m Mike Carr. 
I work with Andrew over at Banyan Hill. We both run its trading division. 
I wanted to take a moment to reach out. 
Many Americans think the biggest threat to their retirement this year is inflation.
I would urge you to think again.
There is a ticking time bomb hidden within most American retirement accounts…
With the power to “delete” up to 70% of your retirement savings.  
All told, this cancer is leeching upon $20 trillion of American wealth. 
If the market takes another drop (as it’s looking it might), I’m concerned many Americans will never recover—even if the market does. 
My new video exposes this hidden threat for what it is:
A cancer … a curse … and a plague, leeching on everything you’ve worked for. 
I also tell you what you can do about it … to stop this threat from robbing another red cent from you and your family. 
Fair warning: This is extremely controversial. Most Americans don’t realize our country’s most popular investment is robbing them blind. I can’t stay silent about this any longer. 

Mike Carr
Editor, Market Leaders

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