الجمعة، 8 يوليو 2022

This could stop inflation—and also make you rich?

The inflation fix no one's talking about

Dear Reader,

Stocks have crashed and inflation is soaring.

But almost no one in the mainstream press is talking about the one breakthrough that could really fix inflation for a very long time… and potentially make some people a lot of money along the way.

Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock (the world's biggest money manager, which oversees $10 trillion), says this breakthrough is where the next 1,000 companies that reach a billion-dollar valuation will come from.

Forensic accountant Joel Litman, who consults regularly with the U.S. Pentagon on the stock market agrees...

Litman says:

"Despite the market crash, America has by far the strongest economy and the strongest stock market on earth—this is why the Pentagon hires me. It's why they've invited me five times in the past year to look at the accounting behind our markets and other markets all over the world."

"And I'm telling you, right now, you have the chance to get in super-cheap on the U.S. companies behind a key technology that could dramatically reduce inflation in the years to come."

"I strongly believe that folks who get in today are going to likely make a sizeable return in the next few years."

What breakthrough, exactly, are some of the world's leading financial experts like Larry Fink and Joel Litman so excited about?

And how can this breakthrough have the potential to radically reduce inflation in the years to come?

You'll find everything you need to know in a new analysis produced by Joel Litman and his forensic accounting team.

You can access this analysis free of charge on our firm's website right here...


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Altimetry Research

P.S. One more thing: Litman's brand-new analysis also details his team's #1 favorite stock in this spaceLitman says you can buy this stock today, and probably hold it for the next decade.

Best of all, there's no e-mail address, credit card, or subscription required to access Joel Litman's new analysis and the details on his #1 stock pick. Click here to get it.

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