الأحد، 5 يونيو 2022

Should You Buy Bitcoin? [Expert’s Shocking Answer]

Dear Reader,
Considering bitcoin minted over 100,000 new millionaires in recent years…
You’re likely wondering if it’s still a good investment.
And according to my friend and colleague, Ian King, it’s a question he’s frequently asked.
You see, Ian is considered by many to be America’s top crypto expert.
With top crypto trades soaring as high as 1,061% ... 1,934% ... and a staggering 18,325% — all in less than a year, it’s not surprising.
So yeah… He knows a thing or two about picking winning cryptos.
And his surprising answer about bitcoin is this:
You missed out.
That’s right. Bitcoin minted 100,000 millionaires and if you’re not one of them, that ship has sailed.
But there’s another millionaire-minting crypto at our doorstep … a crypto Ian calls the “Next Gen Coin.”
According to his research, this coin will be 20X bigger than bitcoin.
So we could see as many as 2 million new millionaires. That’s right: 2,000,000.
And you have a rare opportunity to get in right now.
Ian gives full details on the Next Gen Coin in this exclusive interview.
Sarah Williams
Associate Editorial Manager, Banyan Hill Publishing
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