الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2022

3 stocks “The House” keeps buying…

Former hedge fund trader, Lance Ippolito, is keen on following the big players behind the scenes…

Congress CAN'T stop buying these three stocks!
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Former hedge fund trader, Lance Ippolito, is keen on following the big players behind the scenes…

After leaving Wall Street, he'ss been tracking this 'Insider Money Trail' on his own, and it's allowed him to pocket profits on 200 trades in 2021 alone.*

Now he's discovered three stocks that are being purchased by members of the Congress at a frenetic pace!
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Click here to discover all three stock tickers now
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P.S. By following "insider activity," Lance has collected returns as high as 339%, 925%, and even 1,082.5% in 24 hours or less!*

Could these three stocks pack the same potential?

Read Lance's FREE eBook and discover all three tickers!
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*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.

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