Tuesday, 4 March 2025

My Last Profile Rocketed Approx. 91% Short Term (Now Tracking Another Low Float Idea)

My Last Profile Rocketed Approx. 91% Short Term (Now Tracking Another Low Float Idea)

Report ETA: Arriving Between 8:00PM EST Tonight & 9:30AM EST Tomorrow!

March 4th

Greetings, Friend!

Hey there, market maverick!

Remember that whisper I shared as this past weekend was winding down? Well, it turned into a roar that shook Wall Street's breakfast table to get the week started.

Picture this: An under-the-radar Nasdaq profile, closing at $.47 in after-hours Friday's, suddenly chugged a triple espresso to soar to $.8989 Monday!

In the blink of an eye, this little engine that could puffed its way vertically approx. 91%.

But hold your horses, partner. This rodeo's far from over, and now's not the time to kick back with a victory lemonade.

So, saddle up! The market's wild west is calling, and there might be more gold in them thar hills!

Ready to check in on your next breakout idea? Between 8:00PM EST tonight and 9:30AM EST tomorrow, a complete report hits your inbox.

In it, you'll find key details regarding a low float profile with significant news over the last several months.

That said, it's been flying under Wall Street's radar up to this point, but for how much longer... it's hard to say.

Want to make sure you get this idea front and center as quickly as possible? Do this:

=>Click Now to Sign-up for Our No-Charge SMS Text Alerts!

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I'll be back to you soon with the new report. Talk later.

All the best,

Dane James

Editor Market Pulse Today

(Remember: St-ock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Original Dates I Provided.)

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