Tuesday 1 October 2024

Is Gold Primed for $5K? Here’s Why the Rally is Just Beginning

Join me at 5 p.m. ET for “30 Minutes of Awesome”!
Is Gold Primed for $5K? Here’s Why the Rally is Just Beginning

First, I’ll be live for “30 Minutes of Awesome” at 5 p.m. ET and let’s chat about everything going on in the market today — bring your ticker for me to analyze in real time!

Just go here at 5 p.m. ET!

Now, with the recent flurry of activity coming out of China, there’s no doubt that something big is happening in the gold market. 

For weeks now, there’s been a mystery buyer snapping up 400-ounce bars of gold in London, and no one knows exactly where they’re going or who’s behind it. 

But here’s what we do know: China has been printing money like it’s going out of style — pumping five trillion yuan into the system. And what are investors doing with it? 

They’re putting it into stocks and, more interestingly, gold. This isn’t just a few contracts here and there. We’re talking about physical gold — tangible, untraceable, and once it’s out of sight, it’s gone. 

And it doesn’t stop there... 

As Chinese investors pile into gold, we’re also seeing an opportunity in silver that’s hard to ignore. Silver’s setup right now is looking spicy, and I don’t say that lightly. 

We’ve already made a higher high, and it’s pulling back in a textbook pattern that resembles a classic “echo” — a repeating move we’ve seen time and again in silver. 

If we follow through on this, we could see a serious rally, pushing us into the $33 to $40 range (per ounce).

Now, this might sound bold, but if you look at the patterns, each pullback has set up another leg higher, and if this echo plays out as it has before, we’re potentially staring at a massive opportunity. 

For a long time, I’ve been saying silver could hit $40, and I stand by that. And with the current macroeconomic conditions, things are lining up to make that happen.

Gold, on the other hand, is already well on its way... 

We’ve been flirting with $3,000, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we blow right past that in a blink. The next target for gold could easily be in the $4,200 to $5,000 range. And I know, those numbers seem wild with gold just shy of $2,700 right now, but the technicals back it up. 

We’ve already started the correction that could propel us higher, and with the kind of demand we’re seeing out of China, the upside is massive.

Look, this is no time to be sitting on your hands. 

We’ve got a rare alignment of both fundamental and technical factors in play right now. Gold and silver are setting up for what could be a historic rally, and it’s not just noise... 

The patterns are clear, and the global demand is real. Keep an eye on both, because the next few months could be a wild ride for these metals.

If you want to learn exactly how I’m trading it, join me at 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 2, and I’ll break my plan down. 

I’ll even share my No. 1 ticker with everyone in attendance!

Jeffry Turnmire
Jeffry Turnmire Trading

Follow along and join the conversation for real-time analysis, trade ideas, market insights and more!

Telegram: https://t.me/+6TdDE7-F6GlhMmJh 

*This is for informational and educational purposes only. There is an inherent risk in trading, so trade at your own risk. 

See the Friday Phenomenon behind my No. 1 Gold strategy

Just a quick heads up...

At 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 2, I’m showing everyone the “Friday Phenomenon” on gold that lets anybody target 50% gains every single weekend!

As you’ll see once I’m live, this phenomenon has been paying out nearly four out of every five weekends on live trades.

Now I cannot promise future returns or against losses, but by the end of our time together, you’ll get the name and ticker of my No. 1 gold miner stock, 100% free.

I honestly mean it when I say you don’t want to miss this session.

Especially considering we’re on the cusp on an epic gold melt-up… which is set to pick up steam as we inch closer to the elections.

Just Follow This Link on Wednesday!
The profits and performances shown are not typical and you may lose money. From 11/22/2023 - 9/26/2024 on live trades the win rate has been 76% with an average return of 28% (winners and losers) with an average hold time of 3 days.

Jeffry Turnmire
Jeffry Turnmire Trading

I host my “Morning Monster” livestream at 9:15 a.m. ET each weekday on YouTube, and then “30 Minutes of Awesome” at 5 p.m. ET each Tuesday!

Please check out my channel and hit that Subscribe button!
I’m just a regular dude in Knoxville, Tennessee: a husband, father, civil engineer, urban farmer, maker and trader.

I've been at this trading thing with real money for 20-plus years, and started paper trading over 35 years ago. I have a knack for making some epic predictions that just may very well come true. Why share them? Because I like helping other people — it's the Eagle Scout in me. 

*This is for informational and educational purposes only. There is inherent risk in trading, so trade at your own risk. 


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Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio. 

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