Friday, 31 January 2025

Going bicycle shopping this weekend

Why you always need a good trading plan
JANUARY 31, 2025

I want to start riding a bicycle again.

As a kid, I lived in a house at the top of a long, long hill. And there was nothing more fun than speeding down that hill as fast as you could pedal, then flying around the cul de sac at top speed. It felt like your wheels left the earth.

When I was about 11 or 12, I’d just gotten a brand new bicycle that for the first time had hand brakes on it, and I was excited. 

It felt like a BIG moment in the story of growing up (isn’t it funny when you’re a kid how any little freedom feels like the biggest deal?) 

And one day, I went flying down that very same hill, at the very same speed, on my brand new bike.

And then I went to hit the brake… and I made a mistake…

I clasped the front hand brake, which anyone with a basic understanding of physics will tell you is a very bad idea.

Before I knew what was happening the rear tire lifted into the air, sending me flying over the handlebars and onto the concrete below me.

(Dramatic re-enactment)
I knew I was hurt bad, hurt worse than I’ve ever been hurt before. And when I was a kid, I was a wimp about pain.

Thank God for my neighbors, the Robinsons, who were home (my parents were still at work). They scooped me up, called my parents, offered to take me directly to the hospital…

A few hours later at urgent care, I knew what was “wrong” with me: in addition to the very obvious gash on my leg that was just short of needing stitches (which is still visible on my leg 20 years later), my left wrist (I’m left-handed) was broken in three places. 

They put a splint on me overnight and told me to go to an orthopedist the next day.

By the time I did, the doctor told me I wouldn’t need surgery, but they would have to “set” my arm, which had already begun to heal improperly (the body is really a miracle machine).

I didn’t have a clear understanding of what “set” meant, but I knew instinctively that it wasn’t good…

And shortly thereafter I experienced the worst five minutes of pain I’ve ever experienced in my life (side note: it may have been 15 seconds, but it certainly felt like an eternity)

Still stinging, they put my arm in a neon green cast and I walked away on a three-month path of recovery.

Months later, the cast was off, the wounds on my knees and legs and sides had healed (and some had scarred), and I was a normal kid again.

But there was a problem… I didn’t really want to get back on the bike.

I wasn’t “afraid,” of course. I was a tough kid, right? It’s just that bikes were dumb. Stupid. Nobody wants to ride those things anymore (in case the sarcasm isn’t coming across in text, please understand that I was definitely afraid). 

And so over the course of a few months, and then years, what had been one of my single favorite activities just kind of left my life. And to this day, I haven’t ridden a bike much since that crash.

But I want to change that. And I’m thinking about buying one.

Now, why am I telling you all this? 

I guess it’s so that no one reading this right now will do what I did.

In life, there are always going to be challenges, injuries, accidents, just like in trading, there are always going to be losses.

You can’t let one loss in any arena keep you out of that arena forever.

If you lose a big trade, it’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna sting. It might take some time to heal. (If you break three bones as a result, though, that’s a different story).

But you can’t let it keep you on the bench. You can’t allow it to make you “afraid to trade.” 

And another thing… I mentioned that I was a wimp about pain as a kid, and I mean it. Even the sight of my own blood would send me into a total panic.

But you know what? After they set my arm in that doctor’s office that day, my mindset totally shifted.

Unintentionally, subconsciously, my pain threshold tripled in an instant. If I could survive that, then I figured nothing else was going to be worse (to this point in my life, knock on wood, my hypothesis has been correct).

And I think that’s a reminder that sometimes the hardships you encounter increase your tolerance for dealing with hardships in the first place.

Your first losing trade hurts a lot more than your fifth, which hurts a lot more than your tenth.

By the time you’ve lost 20, you’re a veteran, and they won’t scare you anymore.

But the key is, you have to get back on the bicycle. You can’t let it rust in the garage. 

The biggest reason 90% of traders “fail” is because the vast majority of those traders give up. But there’s a way to change that: simply don’t give up.

It might sound painfully obvious, but it’s about the best advice you can give someone. So if you’ve had a recent brutal loser, I hope you get back on the bike and keep pedaling. Just watch out for the hand brake. They can be tricky.

To your prosperity,

Stephen Ground
Editor-in-Chief, ProsperityPub

P.S.: A great place to start pedaling again would be with Nate’s Two-Way Options! They’re a really unique setup that gives you a lot of control and clearly defined risk, so that you’ll never be going “too fast” to get your feet underneath you. Check it out here

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