Thursday, 5 December 2024

RE: There are only 7 spots left!

Receive up to 4 trades each month, each targeting up to 100% gains in as little as 8 hours!
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Last night I opened up 20 more spots to Overnight Trader and only 7 are left!

While I'm extremely excited about the profit opportunities my subscribers will soon be seeing, I wanted to take a minute to extend this offer to you one more time.

As I stated in my previous emails, today's market is so uncertain and fast-moving that you can't afford to sit on the sidelines hoping for better days, it most likely will not come.

But with the right tools and strategies in place, you could make a truckload of money. That's where Overnight Trader comes in....

With Overnight Trader, you'd receive up to 4 trades each month, each targeting up to 100% gains in as little as 8 hours.

Just take a look at what current subscribers have recently seen:

  • 33.1% GAIN on Super Micro Computer calls
  • 59.1% GAIN on Freeport-McMoran puts
  • 62.1% GAIN on General Mills puts
  • 103.5% GAIN on PulteGroup calls

Now, if you were to head over to our official website, you'd see Overnight Trader has a subscription fee of $1,747/year. But if you've seen my previous emails, you'd know that's not the case for you...

As an extended Cyber Monday offer, you can unlock LIFETIME access for only $99.

Your call... if you'd like more information on this service, please feel free to read my original email attached below. But time is of the essence, if you'd like to claim one of the remaining 7 subscription spots, you need to click the button below now:

  Claim Lifetime Access  

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar


As you already know, we're about to wrap up yet another year... and while everybody is trying to do all they can to end the year on a high note... it's only right you do the same.

For the majority of traders, I've been talking to, that means exponentially increasing their portfolio with as little time being 'vulnerable' to market swings as possible.

You see, today's market is so uncertain and fast-moving that you can't afford to sit on the sidelines hoping for better days, it most likely will not come. This is one of those times when even experts don't know what to expect in the coming months, weeks and even days (even when they say they do).

Now, why am I telling you all this, and how does this help you?

You see in all the chaos; the market has reacted in a lot of different ways and may not calm down for a while...

But with the right information and tools at your disposal, this may sound ridiculous but you're going to be making a truckload of money... but like I said, only if you have the right tools and information.

Now you may be thinking about what tools and information that may be that benefits you this much... so let me tell you.

You may have heard that volatility is a double-edged sword. While this is true to some extent, the reality is that volatility can be a tremendous advantage for you, especially in times of market uncertainty. Here's why...

When the market is volatile, stock prices can swing wildly in both directions, creating an environment where options traders can potentially profit from both rising and falling markets.

This is because options are essentially contracts that allow traders to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price, and when the underlying asset experiences large price swings, the value of these contracts can increase dramatically.

Therefore, in times of market uncertainty, options traders who are able to predict which way the market will move can potentially make incredible returns from their trades, I'm talking double- and triple-digit returns.

Furthermore, volatility creates pricing inefficiencies in the options market, which can be exploited by astute options traders.

When the market is volatile, option prices can become overinflated, creating opportunities for traders to sell overpriced options contracts and profit from the inevitable price correction.

On the other hand, this means you can also take advantage of underpriced option contracts and buy them at a discount, potentially profiting when the market inevitably moves in their favor.

The question now becomes how do you take advantage of market uncertainty without taking on excessive risk?

The key is to carefully manage your trades and use risk management strategies to limit your downside. This can be done by setting stop-loss orders, using hedging strategies, and only investing a small portion of your portfolio in any single trade.

By taking a measured approach to trade and carefully monitoring your positions, you can potentially make big returns from your trades while also minimizing your risk.

All I'm trying to tell you is... volatility is a powerful tool you can use to your advantage, especially in times of market uncertainty like we have today.

And don't take my word for it, here are some of the most recent winners our subscribers have seen:

  • 33.1% GAIN on Super Micro Computer calls
  • 59.1% GAIN on Freeport-McMoran puts
  • 62.1% GAIN on General Mills puts
  • 103.5% GAIN on PulteGroup calls

These are only a small fraction of some of the gains a group of traders have made using this exact same strategy I just laid out. And I know, these aren't all home-run gains... but think about what consistent gains of up to 100% in as little as 8 hours can do for your portfolio?

It's that simple, and the message is simple too...

If you want to survive in today's market, you can't continue using the exact same strategy you've been using for the past few months. Those that really want to make as much money in as little time as possible are all banking on this volatility-optimized play!

Remember those gains I just showed you above? Those were all from our Overnight Trader service, and there's plenty more where those came from.

Right now, you have 2 options... either one you choose could determine how the next couple of months go for you, and the beautiful thing is... there are no wrong choices.

Option 1

I've laid it all out for you, the exact theory behind this strategy, why it works, and why it would work especially in today's market.

You can take what you've now learned and run with it... go searching for the next big volatile move that would give you quick triple-digit gains... it wouldn't be easy but it's not impossible.

It would only require you hours and days on your screen looking through every chart in your trading view dashboard, and when you eventually find a trade...

You still have to come up with the right risk management plan to make sure you don't lose all you've spent days trying to find.

Having to figure it out all on your own would be hard and painful, but as I said, it's not impossible.

That leaves us with...

Option 2

We do all the hard work and heavy lifting for you, while you sit back and stack up your gains as they come in like a cashier in a dollar store.

At Schaeffer's, we've been doing this for 43 years, that's 4 decades... we know the ins and outs of this game, and with a room full of some of the smartest market analysts... it's not a surprise how we pump out a steady stream of winners every month.

And what's even more impressive about joining Overnight Trader is... these trades are so quick that most of the gains are realized in as little as 8 hours!

You heard that right, you can simply place a trade before you head to bed and wake up to a nice gain up to 100%.

This is the kind of quick-action trades I'm talking about, and even when it takes longer than we expect, it doesn't get past a holding period of 7 days.

That's not even the best part, you get up to 4 of these kinds of trades every month in real time! In addition, every trade recommendation comes with both entry and exit points.

Meaning, you have the opportunity to experience these portfolio-defining trades multiple times a month, this puts you ahead of 90% of options traders playing in this market right now.

Now let me be clear... there will be losing trades. That's the way it is when you trade options.

You'll have winners and losers. But remember... the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited.

It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you have along the way... and that's why I love options trading so much.

And it's also why I don't recommend reinvesting every penny you make. It's always good to take some cash off the table from those big winners and stash it away for a rainy day.

The bottom line is that my Overnight Trader service gets you in and out of trades so quickly that the potential to compound your profits is huge.

I'm going to be straightforward with you... Overnight Trader is not a cheap service.

Overnight Trader currently retails for $1,747 every year, and for the kinds of gains our subscribers see, it's worth every penny.

However, if you're reading this email right now, that means you're a part of the select group I've chosen to celebrate our annual Cyber Monday deal with a special discount on Overnight Trader.

While everybody else gets to pay $1,747 every year to be part of Overnight Trader, we're making you a deal so good, it'll be hard for you to pass this up.

For just $99, you get access to Overnight Trader for one year!

Plus, after you subscribe to your first year, you'll automatically be upgraded to lifetime access at no additional cost.

Meaning, your subscription will never end, and you'll never have to pay another penny after today to keep your monthly trades.

If you want quick, big gains for the rest of your life, then this is the perfect opportunity to fall into your lap.

All that said, you only have until midnight to get in on this offer...

Your call, your choice... you either figure all this out yourself, spend hours and hours with little to no return, or let us do all the dirty work for you, while you sit back and enjoy those gains all for 94% off the annual price and then enjoy this program for as long as you want to trade!

I'm basically handing you this service for free after your first year... don't miss out!

  Accept My Offer  

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Schaeffer's blue logo, small

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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