Monday, 23 September 2024

Your trading day could look like this (4 wins before noon)

The strategy that's turning tiny price changes into major profits...
I want to show you something that happened on July 26th… It's a perfect example of what I've been doing for the past 2 months.

At 9:37 AM, my new trading algo spotted a special kind of trade… 

If you had executed it, you'd have seen a 71% gain in just 13 minutes.

But that was just the start.

At 10:58 AM, another alert came in that led to an 88% gain in 42 minutes.

11:43 AM? Another signal. This time, a 55% gain in about 30 minutes.
The final one for that day hit at 12:24 PM, resulting in a 68% gain in just over half an hour.

All told, if you had put $2,000 into each of these trades, you'd have walked away with $5,641 in profit… Before lunch.

Granted, there were smaller wins and those that did not work out but this isn't a one-off occurrence. It's what I've been seeing consistently for the past 2 months.

The secret? It's all thanks to just focusing on just 3 tickers at a time.

These options are so sensitive to price changes that even tiny moves can lead to significant gains.

And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses,I’ve put together a short rundown of how you can start using them to take advantage of these tiny shifts in the market.

If you’re interested hurry here and watch the entire thing while it’s still available.
Talk soon,
Jeffry Turnmire
The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system.

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