Thursday, 5 September 2024

Death of the USD Seems "Imminent"

Dependence on our national currency plummets...

Dear Fellow American,

For 18 consecutive months, China's central bank has increased its gold reserve.

The country, with a population of over 1.4 BILLION is "buying gold like there's no tomorrow," according to The New York Times.


China, a rising global economic threat, aims to reduce its dependence on the US dollar...

And overthrow the USD as the 'supreme currency of the world.'

These actions could send the US economy spiraling out of control...

In fact, one Bloomberg analyst went as far as saying the death of the USD seems "imminent."

But what does that mean for 401(k), IRA, or other retirement account holders in our great country?

Experts believe:

  • Stock prices will plummet over 20%
  • Over 2 million jobs will be lost
  • And 401(k) and IRA accounts will lose 25% or MORE

As the United States economy falls into an inevitable recession...

Which is why I had my team prepare a brand-new guide to help you protect your hard-earned savings as we witness the fall of the U.S. Dollar before our eyes.

Inside you'll learn:

  • Why the US dollar is as good as DEAD
  • How the US has sown the seeds of its own financial destruction
  • AND action you can take NOW to protect your hard-earned savings

Request your free 2024 De-Dollarization guide now to learn how you can safeguard your 401(k), IRA, or other type of retirement account in case of economic collapse.



Samuel O'Brien

President, True Gold Republic


Stockguru LLC (dba InvestingChatter)
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435 

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