Sunday, 18 August 2024

7 Robotics Stocks That Are Getting an AI Boost

Good evening,

For all the promises offered by artificial intelligence (AI), many investors are hesitant to jump in with both feet. The same is true of robotics. It's a fast-moving sector with many companies vying for investor attention.  

To make things even more confusing, you have to consider that AI and robotics are two closely intertwined sectors. Robotics is crucial to automation, and today, AI is providing the brains that will direct robots to become more efficient.  

But one investor’s confusion is another investor’s opportunity. In this special presentation, we’ll examine seven robotics stocks that can help you take advantage of this massive opportunity

How massive? The global robotics market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.1% between 2024 and 2032, which would increase its valuation to $169.8 billion.  

And because of AI, that may be a conservative estimate. AI applications are not only helping to meet the current demand for automation, but they will also fuel additional demand in the future.

But there’s more to the bullish story. Since 2020, corporations and governments have been keenly aware of the need to add more links to their supply chains. That’s made the word onshoring very popular. 

In many cases, onshoring requires specialized labor that is in short supply. That supply-demand dynamic is already playing out in China, and other countries are now racing to keep up. That means more robotics and AI.  

It also means there’s a lot of money to be made. And you shouldn’t let the fast-paced movement in this sector keep you from making a profit.  

View the 7 Robotics Stocks That Are Getting an AI Boost

William Bushee

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