Saturday, 15 February 2025

I wanted to touch base with you on this...

Did you want February's 6 new trades? Each trade will target 200% gains by February 21st.
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Trader, I know it's the weekend but this can't wait until Monday... it will be too late.

Yesterday morning, I reached out to you regarding February's 6 new Expiration Week Countdown trades that are set to release tomorrow at 7 p.m. ET.

These 6 trades are primed to skyrocket for 100-200% gains by Friday, February 21st.

Last month, members of this service saw some extraordinary closeouts, and I don't want you to miss out on any more...

Here's what January's trades produced: 300% GAIN on Palo Alto Networks, 310% GAIN on Roblox Corporation, and a 311% GAIN on GE Vernova.

Just ONE of these trades would recoup the subscription fee you'd have to pay today.

Maybe you didn't have time to read my original email, so here's a quick taste of what it's like to be an Expiration Week Countdown subscriber...

Each month, on the Monday of options expiration week you open your email. In your inbox you see a message from the night before containing your 6 trades for the month, each one targeting 200% gains (or more) in 5 days or less.

Coffee in hand, you log into your brokerage account after the market opens and place your 6 trades.

Now this month, the markets are closed on Monday for President's Day, so you'll enter your trades first thing on Tuesday morning.

These are all basic puts and calls - no complex math or multi-pronged "iron butterfly" strategies. Since my team gives you the exact entry price, contract to trade and exit parameters, there is zero room for "user error."

You place the trades (takes about 5 minutes) and you're done.

Then you're off to the office, walk the dog, read the news, or however you like to spend your morning. On Friday, all 6 trades will be completely closed out.

If you'd like to see these types of profits firsthand, let me send you our 6 HOT trades that will target 200% gains (or more) by Friday...

  Join Right Now!  

If you were a normal trader on our website, you'd see a subscription fee of $249 for a single month.

But you're not a normal trader, you've been given the opportunity to save MASSIVELY.

You have the chance to receive all 6 February trades for only $15.

If by Friday you wish to continue receiving each monthly trade drop through Expiration Week Countdown, just give us a call. Our team will take care of you! 😊

I know the positive impact this service could have on your portfolio. I hope you'll join and see for yourself...


Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. Once you sign up, check back in 24 hours for full access to February's trades.

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Happy Friday, Trader!

I've got a time-sensitive message to share with you, so let's get to it...

If making some serious gains - I'm talking up to 200%, 300%... or more - by next Friday, February 21st gets your blood pumping, please keep reading...

Because I'm going to show you how a small group of savvy traders - folks just like you - QUADRUPLED THEIR MONEY 3 TIMES just last month!

And those same traders can't wait to do it again next week!

Don't miss this next part...

All 3 of those HUGE January gains happened in less than one week! In on Monday of option expiration week and out by Thursday.

I'll give you all the details on those 3 money-quadrupling winners from last month in just a minute.

But first, I want to let you know that I'm throwing open the doors... and allowing 50 new traders in on this action... just in time for February's expiration week trades that we'll release on Sunday evening.

This is your chance to experience these amazing quick-turn trades for yourself... each one targeting 200% GAINS or more... always in 5 days or less.

That's right... grab your spot today and you'll be counting up your newfound profits by next Friday... but only if you're one of the first 50 to say "Yes" to this amazing opportunity.

January's Huge Winners

We call this amazing trading service Expiration Week Countdown, and we've been delivering huge - fast - gains to subscribers month after month for years.

But as they say, the proof is in the pudding... so let's take a quick look at last month's 3 huge winners.

  • 300% GAINS on Palo Alto Networks calls... Subscribers entered on Monday, January 13th and closed out on Thursday, January 16th. A 10-contract investment of just $1,450 yielded a whopping $4,350 profit... in just 3 days!
  • 310% GAINS on Roblox Corporation calls... Subscribers entered on Monday, January 13th and closed out on Wednesday, January 15th. A 10-contract investment of just $610 yielded a sweet $1,891 profit... in just 2 days!
  • 311% GAINS on GE Vernova calls... Subscribers entered on Monday, January 13th and closed out on Wednesday, January 15th. A 10-contract investment of $6,450 yielded a staggering $20,059 profit... in just 2 days!

Expiration Week Countdown subscribers who played 10 contracts on all 3 trades walked away with a profit of $26,300... in less than a week!

Let me say that again... $26k profits in just 3 days last month... from just 3 trades!

I want to be clear... not every trade we release turns a quick profit. There will be some losses along the way... but quadrupling your money from 3 trades can certainly add to your bottom line quickly.

Here are a few more recent winners... each one banked in 5 days or less...

  • 301% GAIN on Market Vectors Semiconductor ETF calls
  • 200% GAIN on Broadcom Limited puts
  • 302% GAIN on Celestica puts
  • 200% GAIN on Sea Limited calls
  • 115% GAIN on Dollar General puts
  • 337% GAIN on Alphabet puts

I expect February's trades to add to this list by next Friday, February 21st.

As an avid options trader with more than 43 years of experience, I can tell you with 100% certainty that there are always profit opportunities to be found in the market.

And I'm especially excited about these 6 upcoming trades... each one primed to triple your investment (or more) next week.

Now... we only release these trades to a limited number of investors, and because I'm so excited about our upcoming February expiration option trades, I'm offering you an opportunity to get in and secure some seriously quick profits.

And I'm slashing the price.

But - and here's the only catch - you must be one of the first 50 to respond, or you'll miss out.

We'll be releasing our next batch of 6 profit-ready trades at 7 p.m. ET in just 2 days... on Sunday, February 16th. And I'd love nothing more than to include you on that email, so you, too, can target some really big gains by next Friday at the latest.

Options traders LOVE playing expiration week... because when you trade options with 5 days or less until expiration, you can triple your money on moves of just 7% to 15% in the underlying stock.

That's right... you don't need huge stock moves to achieve money-triplers when you trade during option expiration week - you can accomplish this on stock moves as small as 7%!

Plus, you're only in the market 5 days (or less), so you don't have to worry about long-term market direction.

And not only is trading Expiration Week Countdown quick... but it's super easy, too.

  • Every recommendation will be a simple call or put option. No new-fangled strategies to learn here. Just straight option buying geared for mega-profits.
  • We release 6 hot trades each month at 7 p.m. ET on the Sunday before expiration Friday. We email you everything you need to place each trade, including the ideal price for entry, precise target profit range, plus charts and insight explaining why we believe the recommendations are poised for big profits.
  • You simply place the trades on Monday and then exit based on the simple closeout parameters included with each position (by Friday at the latest). It couldn't be any easier to bank huge gains in just 5 days or less.

Please note that the markets are closed for President's Day this coming Monday, so you'll enter your trades first-thing Tuesday morning, and still be out by Friday.

My team of experts and I are gearing up for our February Expiration Week Countdown trades, and we'd like nothing more than to send them your way at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday.

Ready to Target Huge - Fast - Gains?

A month of these high-power trades typically retails for $249, a fair price considering subscribers receive 6 quick-hit opportunities, each targeting gains of 200% or more in 5 days or less.

I'm talking about those massive 300% GAINS you saw above...

As you can imagine, Expiration Week Countdown is extremely popular... so much so that we're rarely able to offer such a hugely-discounted membership to this trading program.

But you're in luck today, because I'm making 50 spots available with this amazing opportunity.

First of all, you won't pay anywhere near $249 to get into Expiration Week Countdown.

Instead, you'll pay just $15 for our 6 hand-picked February trades.

It's the perfect way to see this amazing strategy in action with absolutely no long-term commitment on your part. After 30 days, your subscription will just expire. No renewal fees applied.

However, if you'd like to continue receiving the trades within Expiration Week Countdown, just give us a call. We'll gladly help you out 😊

But please don't forget... this offer is only available to the first 50 to respond. It will end as soon as the 50th spot is claimed or at midnight on Saturday, whichever comes first.

I'd like nothing more than to help you bank some serious cash during February expiration week.

I'm extremely excited about the profit opportunities unfolding in today's market, but I can't send those 6 hot trades your way on Sunday if you're not one of the first 50 to say "yes" to this fantastic opportunity.

So, don't delay. Join Expiration Week Countdown right now and get ready to count up your gains next Friday.

  Join Expiration Week Countdown  

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

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5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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