Friday, 13 December 2024

[LAST CHANCE] Adam Mesh’s $19 Ultimate Stock Market Surprise

Special gift from Adam Mesh

Last chance below…

If you just opened this email, then you've already displayed "positive drift."

The ability to make small decisions quickly.

It's one of the ultimate intangibles of trading.

And you will definitely be rewarded as this email will only be shown one time this year.


It won't be re-sent and it's here to surprise you.

Ever since I combined all my options trades in one place, Mesh Prime, both me and my community are having the most fun we've ever had.

The vertical line on our P&L looks like a rocket taking off for space.

But, let's just look at recent action.

On November 21st, we put out an alert to get into QBTS at 1.92. Now quantum computing is on fire and QBTS hit 3.77.

A 96% return in less than 4 days.

We sold SOUN puts for .32 and bought them back for .03. (for a spread, that's a HUGE win).

We continue to profit from our nuclear plays.

Our SOFI trade broke records. You saw an email yesterday from a reader who made a thousand bucks from the one trade.

And now, we have another trade we just entered starting to trend upward.

MESH PRIME is $1295 per year and that's going to be 20% higher in 2025.

But it's the holidays and there's so much positive energy right now that we want to bring you into the fold and it's going to be a no brainer.

That's right we are doing great and because we feel so good we want you to experience it too.

After the first month you can stay on at the discounted rate of $89 per month.

Cancel any time with a simple email.

As you master these trades, you can ease into more contracts to increase your opportunities for bigger profits.

This $19 price is available today only and limited to the first 20 people to take advantage.

(Please do not share this link with anyone… it's only for 1 day).

Act now because if you get to the page and the $19 price is gone you will want it back.

It's all about positive drift and catching the Mesh Prime Wave!

Kind Regards,

Adam Mesh

P.S. This is the ultimate surprise for 1 day only and you are getting it simply because you opened this email and when you join now you will be invited on to a live webinar with brand new trades tomorrow! Be a part of the elite 20 that move forward now.

If you'd prefer never to hear from us again, you can Unsubscribe completely. We'll be sad to see you go, so please be aware that clicking that link will make it impossible for us to email you about anything, so you won't receive product updates, event notifications, paid services, news or future announcements.

Adam Mesh Live ( A Division of T3 Live LLC) | 88 Pine St, 23rd Floor | New York |, New York 10005 United States (646) 896-3063

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