Saturday, 28 December 2024

How you can target solid double-digit gains on Gold…

Even if it moves by a tiny percent …
As regular traders watched Gold inch up a tiny percent… some of our top weekend traders walked away with 196% gains.
You read that right… Not buying physical Gold. Not mining stocks. 

Something entirely different.

This "weekend glitch" keeps hitting with shocking consistency… 71% accuracy, to be exact.

Think about what that means...

While everyone else waits months for Gold to move a few percentage points, you could target significant gains between Friday and Monday.

The timing looks perfect too. 

But here's what makes this truly exciting...

We're seeing the exact same conditions that sparked Gold's historic 1,300% surge…

Central banks are stockpiling at record levels… China just resumed stockpiling after 6 months…

I just finished mapping out what's coming next - including how I’m prepared for the Gold supercycle…

While I cannot promise future returns or against losses… 

You can catch the full breakdown here.
Talk soon,
Jeffry Turnmire

The profits and performances shown are not typical and you may lose money. The majority trades expressed are from historical backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the new system. From 11/22/2023 - 12/20/2024 on live trades the win rate has been 71% with an average return of 22% (winners and losers) with an average hold time of 3 days.

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