Friday 4 October 2024

Stocks I like and don’t like right now…

Hey folks, hope you enjoyed another roller coaster week in the markets.

It ended up being a really strong week for me, but not at all in the way I expected.

For example, I took what I considered lower probability plays in CRWD, AGQ, and META which absolutely crushed it.

And my highest conviction opportunities in the broad market like SPY sputtered out all week.

That’s why it’s nice to have different strategies going, of course.

If I would have had to “just pick one” it wouldn’t have been pretty this week.

If you read my piece yesterday, you know I am unashamedly bullish right now even with this softer-than-expect action…

I am simply keeping an eye on the previous high of the S&P to guide me and we’re still above it:
So what do I like and not like going into next week.

I still like:

Energy (especially CCJ and OKE).

Mag 7 (especially NVDA and META)

Utilities (especially just trading XLU)

Gold (Yep, still playing it)

I don’t love:

Bitcoin (still has room for deeper correction)
Consumer Staples (I just don’t think people want safety right now and, if they do, utilities are the better play in my book)

Real Estate (Cuts should be good for RE, but the reaction has been underwhelming since the 50 point cut. Going to avoid it until we see momentum)

Now, it should go without saying that the way we trade any of these is more important than even the asset itself.

I think that’s one reason I had a strong week when I was just as wrong as I was right with my expectations.

And it’s why I love strategies like Automated Options that give me a greater edge than picking market direction alone.

With Automated Options, I don’t have to predict where a trade will finish to get a nice win out of it.

So, that alone, changes the dynamic from only generating profits when you are right, to generating them some of the time when you’re wrong.

Which is a small modification for a massive difference in results over time.

That’s why I will be trading all the stuff “I like” with smart strategies and I hope you do too!



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