Saturday, 21 September 2024

Stop budgeting and use this “magic calculator” instead

It outputs the 2 numbers you need for building wealth so you never have to budget or penny pinch

"How Does the Living Wealthy System Even Work?"

Great question!

But first… did you hear the news?

Our Living Wealthy System for automatically growing your wealth without sacrificing, budgeting or cutting back…

Plus streamlining your financial plan down to just a few small decisions

So you can focus on making money and LIVING WEALTHY today AND in the future, is…

Still 87% off until your discount expires tomorrow.

We list everything you get below…

Including the calculator that finds your fastest path to wealth…

But first back to the original question:

How does the Living Wealthy System actually work?

It's like this…

As our wise Wealth Builders Club members know…

Budgeting focuses your mind on reducing and limiting your lifestyle to live within your means.

It's not a fun way to live. Budgeting advocates claim it'll pay off in the long run if you save and invest long enough.

Unfortunately, it takes 30 years for this "compounding" strategy to work according to their charts.

And if after those 3 decades you find out the market didn't cooperate, there are no do-overs.

Because you don't have 30 years to try again!

The Living Wealthy System rejects this risky strategy.

And instead of focusing on cutting back, the first thing you do is…

Find Extra Money Hidden in Your Cash Flow

The Living Wealthy System shows you how to keep way more of what you make without cutting back, like…

How to save on tax, pay less interest, avoid fees and commissions… even how to lower insurance costs while often increasing coverage.

You'll discover how to pay off loans faster and more efficiently… leaving you with more money at the end of the month to pad your bank account, spend on your business, or take advantage of an opportunity.

Do you own a business? There is no better return than keeping more of what you make because you stopped overpaying on taxes, interest, insurance, fees and more.

You'll also discover how to increase your credit score so you can lower your interest rates and renegotiate loans and credit cards for better terms.

All in all, you'll discover countless ways to stop leaking money and boost your bottom line.

So you'll end up feeling and being wealthier… even on your current income.

And then there's the calculator…

This Calculator Finds Your Fastest Path to Wealth By Simplifying Your Finances Down to 2 Key Decisions…

Wealth Wealthy Calculator

Instead of setting a limited budget for every shopping category…

Which is not fun and nearly impossible to stick to…

AND focuses your attention on limiting your spending, putting you in the scarcity mindset and has the unintended side effect of limiting your income, too…

This calculator eliminates all those scarcity-minded decisions in minutes…

And refocuses your mind on expanding your means and continually building wealth.

Plus it's easy to use.

Just enter your information once, and out pops the answer to 2 key financial decisions that are your personal solution to building wealth.

Your Chance to "Live Wealthy" With Other Wealth Builders

It's said that you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

And it can be hard to "live wealthy" when you're constantly surrounded by penny-pinchers and budgeters.

So after you get the Living Wealthy System, you'll also have a chance to join Wealth Builders Club.

This is a group of like-minded individuals who are always looking for ways to expand their means and "grow the pie."

And will support you on your journey to build wealth to enjoy now and in the future.

Here's Everything You Get With The Living Wealthy System

The Living Wealthy System is a quick and easy way to start growing wealthier on your current income without cutting back… and you can start implementing the system as soon as tonight.

First, the Live Free, Retire Wealthy book:

The system is spelled out in detail in a quick, easy-to-read book that you can finish in a couple evenings or a weekend.

Wealth Wealthy Calculator

You get a digital copy of the book with this system that will show you…

  • The step-by-step system to automatically grow your wealth every month — on your current income — without restricting yourself to a budget
  • How scrimp-and-sacrifice advice that's meant for out-of-control spenders actually handcuffs the rest of us and puts a ceiling on your wealth
  • How to pay off loans faster, smarter and with less stress using a formula invented by an Aerospace engineer
  • How to pay less tax like a corporation, even if you're an employee (it's all about reclassifying your income)
  • Find and destroy hidden fees in your investments
  • A 3-step exercise to create wealth out of nothing, even if you're starting with no money
  • 3 reasons why your credit score is lower than it should be — through no fault of your own — and how to fix it to quickly improve your credit score
  • AND how to design a comprehensive financial infrastructure that focuses on production rather than scarcity — and automates your wealth creation
  • And so much more

Prefer to listen to audiobooks?

You got it. With the Living Wealthy System, you also get the audiobook.

Together the Live Free, Retire Wealthy book and Audiobook retail for $29.95.

Tap here to claim your 87% discount at checkout


You also get the QUICK START "Live Free, Retire Wealthy" Guide ($9.95 Retail)...

Which takes the core strategies from the book and puts them all into one actionable guide so you can get started building wealth ASAP.

It's kind of like a "Cliff Notes" for the book to use if you're in a hurry or to review key points.


You also get The Budgeting Sucks Video Course ($197.00 Retail) to breathe life into the wealth-building strategies in the book.

This 8-part video course covers the most important topics of the book…

Showing you exactly how cutting back is costing you a fortune…

Plus how to find extra money hidden in your cash flow…

And more NOT COVERED in the book like the Investment Index Formula to grow your wealth.

Tap here to claim your 87% discount at checkout

THEN We're ALSO Throwing in These Extra Bonuses to EXPAND YOUR MEANS and Grow Your Income…

You get…

The SPECIAL REPORT — 5 Ways to Get Paid More at Work, in Your Side Hustle or in Your Business:

Pulled from a mastermind session in our popular Wealth Builders Club program, and available nowhere else, this Executive Summary shares several ways to start making more money now… no start-up capital required.

And Profit Streams — Proven Profits on Day 1:

This course gives you a step-by-step blueprint for quickly creating and validating countless new income streams. Now you can build a new business, create a new product or service, OR start any new income stream…PROVEN to profit from day one!

To recap, here's everything you get with the Living Wealthy System…

  • Live Free, Retire Wealthy (Digital Book + Audiobook — $29.95 Retail)
  • The QUICK START "Live Free, Retire Wealthy" Guide ($9.95 Retail)
  • The Living Wealthy System Calculator — ($9.95 Retail)
  • The Budgeting Sucks Video Course ($197.00 Retail)
  • SPECIAL REPORT: 5 Ways to Get Paid More ($29.95 Retail)
  • FREE BONUS: Profits Streams — Proven Profits on Day 1 ($97.00 Retail)

The Total Value is $373.80, Your Price is $49

That's an 87% discount when you order today.

Tap here to claim your 87% discount at checkout

Just $49 for the Living Wealthy System so you can automatically build wealth without cutting back, live free, and retire wealthy.

And as always…

You have our 30-day money back guarantee. If you're anything but absolutely thrilled with the Living Wealthy System, just let us know within 30 days and we'll issue a full refund.

But Hurry, Your 87% Discount Ends Soon

To lock in your discount and get everything listed above…

Including the "Living Wealthy" Calculator that simplifies your wealth-building down to 2 key financial decisions…

Tap here to claim your 87% discount and go straight to checkout

Or if you want more information…

You can tap here to find out more about the Living Wealthy System.

But don't delay! This special offer ends tomorrow.

Build the life you love,

The Builders at Wealth Factory

Disclaimer and Waiver — Wealth Factory, LLC®, its owners, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, service providers, content providers and agents (referred to as "Wealth Factory") are not financial or investment advisers and not licensed to sell securities or investments. None of the information provided is intended as investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as an endorsement, of any company, security, fund, or other offering.

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