Monday, 16 September 2024

AI stock reports 128% revenue surge in 2023

One of the most undervalued stocks on the NASDAQ

Knightscope, Inc. (NASDAQ: KSCP) delivered a 128% revenue surge in 2023, bringing in $12.8 million.

Yet with a market cap of less than $35 million... it's one of the most undervalued stocks on the NASDAQ.

Their breakthrough? Harnessing the power of hardware to lead the AI revolution-Building real-world applications that transform public safety.

Knightscope's cutting-edge tech includes:

  • Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs) that reduce crime by up to 46%.
  • Gunshot Detection Systems that notify authorities of a shooter within two seconds.
  • A Machine-as-a-Service (MaaS) model delivering consistent, recurring revenue.

Already deployed across the U.S., Knightscope has secured 30+ new contracts since April 2024, including a notable deal with the U.S. Federal Government.

Learn more now.

The AI security market is projected to reach $120 billion by 2030. Knightscope is poised to lead that growth.

Don't miss out. Get the full details on this AI bargain.

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