Saturday 20 July 2024

He saw the rotation a mile away… two ways to cashflow and stock… and more

It’s your weekly ProsperityPub Roundup
JULY 20, 2024
Key Market Insights
Jack Carter broke down two different ways to generate cash using a trending stock — first with covered calls and then with spreads
Nate Tucci has been talking about a market rotation for weeks now… and with the rotation looking like it’s finally upon us, he covers 3 things to look for during this volatility storm!
Roger Scott - the last few month’s he’s been telling us that he wouldn’t trade gold until it made a new all time high and pulled back. Looks like Roger’s bullish on gold… Is this the entry he’s been waiting for? Get all the details on Roger’s Friday update at the 11:30 mark.
Speaking of gold… the mainstream media has just now started to catch on to gold miner, NEM (Newmont Corp) — but Jeffry Turnmire has had his eye (and his money) on it since way back in February when it was barely breaking $30… Here’s Jeffry’s chart of the week from February 29th where he explains all the details — targets are still valid, though he tells us he would consider taking profits at $80, he expects there could be a strong pullback at that level.
He’s targeting huge gains from tiny stock moves!

Options expert Nate Tucci is pulling back the curtain on a unique way to turn tiny stock moves into huge double and triple digit returns!

Discover how his real-time trades — not cherry-picked backtests — have averaged a shocking 237% gain on winners!

This revolutionary strategy could be perfect for small accounts!

Click here to get all the details on this breakthrough strategy!
Latest Winners
Despite a down week for many tech stock traders, Jack Carter logged yet another winning week trading NVDA with his Weekly Options Profits strategy. Be sure to join his FREE Telegram for tips, trade ideas and even free trade ideas!
Nate Tucci’s Automated Options just closed out its 9th win in a row at the end of last week. Join Nate’s FREE Telegram where he’s sharing market insights, analysis and trade ideas on the house!
Jack Carter sold puts on Robinhood stock in his Premium Income Investor program a few weeks ago. Today those puts are expiring out of the money — and Jack and his followers are keeping the full premium!
Jeffry Turnmire’s Apollo Algo just keeps pumping out the alerts. Winners this week include BBY, MCD, MDB, CCC and more! If Jeffry’s not on your radar yet, he should be — Get in his FREE YouTube channel for daily updates!
In Case You Missed It
Nate Tucci shared a raw analysis of how his two accounts (“the gamble account” and the “buy and hold account”) are doing during this week’s market rotation… He explains why he loves active trading — especially during these volatile periods — and why over the long term he’s not worried. Read it all here.
Nate also did a deep dive into why a possible Trump presidency could mean big bucks for small caps. Click here for the full breakdown!
Geof Smith explained what led him to pick Byrna (BYRA) back in January before it went on to skyrocket 127% — and what he sees next for the stock! Get full details here!
Scott Welsh pointed out a boring stock that’s gearing up for another big breakout. Last time he highlighted this stock — this past March — it went on to gain over 20% in just a few weeks. Get the ticker — and his analysis here!

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