Monday, 5 February 2024

A monkey that makes millions?!

The most important merger of disciplines in academia, in my opinion, was the merger between neuro-biology (how the brain works) and computer science.

The most important merger of disciplines in academia, in my opinion, was the merger between neuro-biology (how the brain works) and computer science.

Michael Merzenich of the University of California, did some research on the monkey brain that revealed why it's so hard to stop smoking.

Smokers, after a certain number of cigarettes are "wired" to smoke.

There are actually physical strands in their brain which increase in tensile strength, which connect that behavior to a particular emotion (like joy, excitement or relaxation).

This is why thinking your way to change doesn't work.

Because you can stop thinking about something, but if the emotion and the behavior are still linked up you're likely to do it again.

Millionaires are wired to be millionaires.

There are certain things they do automatically that poor people don't do.

That's why if you take all their money away, they'll likely be back to millionaire status within months.

If you get lucky in life, a millionaire will come along who will let you SHADOW what they're doing.

This way, even if you're wired to be broke, you have a chance to make money like the millionaire.

Because you just do what they do. And get similar results.

Guess what?

You can SHADOW one of the smartest financial minds in the world right now HERE

I once knew a woman who was a very successful artist.

She hadn't had a relationship with a man for twelve years.

She was lonely, but the pain of her loneliness wasn't great enough for her to get back into the ring.

She was passionate about everything she did. That's what made her such a great artist.

When her last relationship broke off, she made a neural connection between passion and the loss.

The real reason for the breakup was a lack of shared values.

But she identified passion as the culprit, so she never got into a passionate relationship with anyone, until I was able to help her see what was going on.

Many of my students have the same problem with money.

They create false associations.

They lost money on a risky investment so they associate risk with loss.

Rich people, on the other hand, have the exact opposite association.

They associate risk with potential gain.

And therein lies the difference between where you are and where you want to be.

Just one investment, may create the neural connections that will make you poor or will keep you broke for life.

Well, fate shines its light into everyone's life at some point.

And it just so happens, this is your time. Yes. This email is for YOU.

Because this email is the ONLY email you'll ever receive that will show you a way you can potentially comfortably retire in 2024.

And it will even tell the date when you will be most likely to retire: April 25th 2024.

On that date, we might see a buying frenzy into a particular asset like a school of piranhas who haven't eaten for weeks on a fresh salmon.

We may be on the cusp of a financial event, that will make billionaires, trillionaires.

But you have to watch this if you want to take part

To your comfortable retirement,

Iman From Keystone

P.S. Your fate is likely going to be sealed by whether you watch this, and do what it says, or sit on the sidelines and regret your existence.

(**By clicking the links above, you agree to subscribe to The Keystone Research Group and may receive access to our exclusive video reports. Unsubscribing is straightforward. For full disclosures, please refer to this link.)

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