Wednesday, 8 November 2023

URGENT: "Second wave" of A.I. investments ready to pop

An algorithm so powerful, it has uncovered over 138 investment opportunities across our services in the last two years alone...

Dear Reader,

A "second wave" window of A.I. investments is closing soon...

With 100X the potential of any gains we've witnessed so far.

And if you take the right steps today...

You could turn every $100 into $1,000... every $10,000 into $100,000... and beyond.

Hi, I'm Landon Swan. I'm here typing this message to you alongside my brother, Andy.

Hedge funds and institutional clients pay us up to $750,000 a year for access to the predictive algorithm we created...

An algorithm so powerful, it has uncovered over 138 investment opportunities across our services in the last two years alone... with gains as high as 560%, 669%, 1,025%, 1,102%... and so many more.

Our system has helped people navigate massive economic shifts like Covid, the cannabis boom, and more...

But we've never seen anything quite as remarkable - or quite as disruptive - as artificial intelligence.

By now, you've already noticed A.I. starting to creep into your everyday life...

  • Amazon is using it to recommend potential purchases to you... 
  • Facebook is using it to personalize your news feed...
  • Some airlines are using it to predict the weather and land planes...
  • Recruiting firms are using it to find the best candidates...
  • Hospitals are using it to spot signs of cancer...

Yet... this is just the beginning.

AI Adoption Rate

Over the next 12 months, we can expect to witness ones of the biggest upheavals of our lifetimes...

And that means a rare opportunity for anyone who stakes their claim early... to make incredible potential gains in the coming months and years.

Just imagine having a chance to buy Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, or Google in the early days, to experience gains in the thousands of percents...

A single "bet" could have turned into close to $1 million today!

Only this time around, we believe the shift will be MORE far-reaching... with several unexpected firms leading the charge - firms we call the "second wave."

These are companies that aren't obvious... because they're not inventing A.I. itself.

Instead, they are using A.I. to innovate.

Think back to Amazon. It didn't invent the internet.

Or Netflix. It didn't invent streaming to your homes.

But these companies were exceptional about how they USED new technologies.

Well, the same thing is happening with A.I. today.

In the right hands, it becomes transformational.

Those are the stocks you want to find as an investor.

That's why we've put together this very special presentation, available to anyone interested in making a fortune in A.I...

Our unique proprietary system has already helped thousands of people FIND winners and AVOID losers in times of major economic shifts just like we're seeing today...

Including identifying 80 triple digit winners in the past four years.

This could be your last chance to get up off the sidelines - and potentially make a shocking amount of money from the early stages of the most important technological innovation of our time.

But those gains will only be possible if you act now.

The "second wave" window is closing soon...

Click here to watch our urgent presentation.


Andy and Landon Swan
Senior Analysts, Derby City Insights


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