Tuesday, 4 July 2023

America needs a new vision for road travel

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"Amazon Secret Royalty Program" Can Help You Retire Like Royalty

A unique type of investment could help you make more money than you will need for the rest of your life. It's what we call the "Amazon secret royalty program."

In fact, Business Insider says this type of investment could provide "enough money to live off of each year, without having any other retirement plan..."

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It's not making as many national headlines, but those navigating our nation's roadways are increasingly facing congested, bottlenecked, and inaccessible roads and highways, often with no obvious cause. And with a record 43 million Americans getting behind the wheel for the July 4th holiday, these issues–and the impact they have on travelers and the economy–are likely to be front and center once again.

The reprieve is over. Just as the American economy is struggling with high inflation and interest rates, the coming resumption of student loan payments poses yet another potential challenge.

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