Saturday, 17 June 2023

What Does A Cheeseburger Have To Do With Your Retirement?

Dear Reader,

Even if the markets recover, inflation has caused far too much damage for everyday folks. Think about it… Do you remember when the price of a cheeseburger was only $0.25?

Right now, millions of people are going through a really difficult time (which is why you should know this)...
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Rampant inflation and a hawkish Federal Reserve has really hit our economy hard…

I see it firsthand when I chat with folks at the diner and the local grocery store.

We all experienced how hard the bear market was on our portfolios…

As a matter of fact, all of the major 401k plans lost money last year…

Unfortunately, at this point it's too late…

Even if the markets recover, inflation has caused far too much damage for everyday folks.

Think about it… Do you remember when the price of a cheeseburger was only $0.25?

This shouldn't shock anyone… But we will never see that price again.

You see, with inflation prices only go up…

So, even when the rate of inflation comes back down...

The cost of living doesn't get cheaper… The cheeseburger doesn't come back to $0.25…

Prices normalize at that new, higher cost.

So, even when inflation stabilizes…

You'll still need more money in the piggy bank to cover the new "normalized" cost of living…

And that's why now over a quarter of Americans are saying they have to delay their retirements…

It's horrible what's happening right now…

The fact is everyday Americans, young or old, are absolutely starved for income right now…

So I got together with my team to see if there was some way we could help…

And after months of intense research and development, we came up with Income For Life…

The brand new initiative to show Americans just how we've been able to target $500 a week in hard cold cash… Step-by-step.
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Just like what happened in September…

Right after the perfect month of August, where we went four for four…

In September, if you had invested $10k in the ole-trusty S&P, you'd be down almost $1,000 by the end of the month.

But with my "2-Step Trade" it was a totally different story. Night and day.
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This first week was the beginning of the market tumble…

I'm sure a lot of investors were panicking, watching their blood pressure skyrocket…

But with the method I'll teach you today, it really didn't matter to me.

Actually, you probably would have caught me out fishing with my grandson on the Frying Pan River, just outside of Aspen, Colorado where I like to enjoy my summers…

Because sure enough…

By the end of the week, you could have been collecting an extra $525 in cash.

Week two.

By Friday, anyone following along could have walked away with $416 on the week.

The following week - it was even better…

While I always aim to lock in $500 a week in income - on average - this week was even bigger.

Folks following along with my "2-Step Trade" could have cashed out with…
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…not $500…

…not $600…

But an extra $749 on Friday.

Click here and I'll place one of these "2-Step Trades" right before your eyes so you can follow along if you choose.
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Jack Carter.

2563 cherry hill ln, Hermitage, PA 16148, United States
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