Tuesday, 20 June 2023

A gold storm is coming

50% of employers expect to lay workers off in the coming weeks...

"A Gold Storm Is Coming"

A number of strange events are starting to play out all across the country...

  • 50% of employers expect to lay workers off in the coming weeks...
  • 20 million American households are behind on their utility bills...
  • $13.5 trillion in American wealth has evaporated, as stocks and real estate prices have fallen...
  • To make matters worse, food prices continue to rise -- with even vegetables up over 80% in the past year.

Together, all of this is likely setting up what one research firm believes will result in a "gold storm"

Stansberry Research is one of the most highly-respected research firms in the world... providing cutting-edge market research to over a million readers.

And they just released a brand-new warning for what they believe will happen to gold in 2023...

According to these experts:

"The evidence is everywhere. But most folks aren't paying attention.

We are in the early stages of a gold mania - the calm before the storm."

And yet, even the most prepared Americans - including many retirees - could be blindsided by what's about to happen.

Which is why they've posted their full, brand-new warning to the public on their website right here.

You can access it free of charge. Click here to view.


A.J. Wiederman
Senior Staff, Stansberry Research

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