Monday, 26 June 2023

25-cent Stock Takes $11T Commodities Sector Digital

Did you know…

Did you know…

…the worldwide commodities supply chain sector still runs on paper transactions, spreadsheets, and telephone calls?

It's hard to fathom but it's actually true!

In a world where practically EVERYTHING is digital… watching a global mineral corporation — yes, today in 2023 — attempting to send a batch of copper from Australia to Canada is akin to watching old reruns of the 1970s detective show Columbo.

But that's all about to change!

One brilliantly-run technology firm has successfully partnered with some of the largest players in the industry to bring a first-of-its-kind digital solution to the global commodities supply chain sector.

And we all know from the pandemic the havoc that can unfold when supply chains break down.

This company's highly-advanced digital platform is designed to prevent just that while simultaneously bringing efficiency, security, and transparency to the global commodities supply chain sector for the first time ever.

Best of all, this upstart technology firm is currently trading undiscovered —
below 25-cents per share — so very, very few investors know about it yet!

And this isn't some pie-in-the-sky tech dream.

No… it's live RIGHT NOW with over 100 companies on the platform… and the anticipation is for accelerated user growth and revenue growth throughout 2023 and beyond.

For investors, it's a rare early-mover advantage on a company that's modernizing an entire sector with an immediate addressable market north of US$7B.

Now, here's the important part: Several industry leaders are already onboard with this company's digital platform, including BHP (US$300B capitalization), Sumitomo (one of Japan's largest corporations), and Codelco (the world's #1 copper producer).

And that's just the start. The company anticipates having over 130 companies on its platform this year with expectations for accelerated user growth and revenue growth over the coming quarters.

For investors… it's an early-stage opportunity in a company that's bringing the US$11T global commodities sector straight into the 21st century.

All the details are in the FREE online report you can get here.

Plus, we're including our exclusive sit-down interview with the company's founder and executive chairman… giving you a first-hand look you simply can't get anywhere else.

In investing, timing is everything. And that timing is right now — TODAY!

See for yourself why the early shares below 25-cents likely won't stay put for long.

Yours in profits,

Mike Fagan
Editor, Resource Stock Digest

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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