Friday, 12 May 2023

[Urgent] Your Bank Account In Danger

This risk is about to get worse than ever.

Dear Reader,

Imagine a repeat of the Great Financial Crisis.


Well … see this document I'm holding in my hands?

This. Is. WORSE.

I'm talking about the Federal Reserve gaining the power to spy on your bank account, and even control it.

Every financial move you make monitored and tracked to the penny.

The investments you plan on making – restricted –

Without your consent.

Even purchases of basic necessities – limited –

Don't laugh.

This kind of nightmare already happened to citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus and…

Most recently, even in Canada, where the government froze the bank accounts of hundreds of striking truckers.

And now, with the plan laid out in this 93-page document (Federal Reserve Docket No. OP — 1670) …

American citizens could be subjected to…

One of the largest invasions of financial privacy in our country's history as soon as July of this year.

Personal freedoms…

Financial security, and…

Nearly everything our country stands for…

At greater RISK than ever before.

There's nothing you or I can do to stop the Fed from rolling out this new plan.

And you could be one of the victims…

Unless you take the four simple steps to protect your savings covered in My just-released video.

Watch it now while you still have time to protect yourself.


Good luck and God bless!

Martin D. Weiss, PhD
Weiss Ratings Founder

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