Saturday, 11 March 2023

#1 Green-Metals Stock to Buy

Investors are cashing-in on the "electrification of everything" in 2023 as the world seeks to go greener!

Investors are cashing-in on the "electrification of everything" in 2023 as the world seeks to go greener!

A key focus is on select small-cap mining stocks that are set to be the NEXT suppliers of the green-energy metals the world needs most in the clean energy transition. 

At the very top of the list you'll find copper… also known as the red metal. 

It's a near perfect conductor of electricity and heat… making it absolutely critical to the future of clean energy and mobility worldwide.

Copper is critical to everything from EVs to solar and wind power to batteries for energy storage on the grid.

Experts agree that the clean energy transition absolutely cannot happen without new large-scale sources of the red metal. 

The problem is… world-class deposits of copper are becoming increasingly difficult to unearth due to a severe lack of investment in the sector over the last decade-plus.

That's all changing now. 

Small "pure play" exploration companies — often trading for mere pennies — are zeroing in on the next generation of massive high-grade copper deposits.

And they're finding them in ultra-safe mining jurisdictions where there's no threat of a rogue government stealing away the underground prize.  

We've done our research… and we've found a little-known pure play miner — currently trading around US $0.25 per share — that's advancing not one… not two… but THREE early-stage copper-dominant projects.

What's more, all three of the company's properties are located in ultra-safe Tier-1 mining jurisdictions in the United States and Canada.

It really doesn't get any better or safer than that! 

Now, here's the important part: The company featured in our brand new FREE Online Report just intersected some highly intriguing drill-core in the VERY FIRST TWO HOLES of its maiden drill program.

Results are being analyzed as you read this. 

And once that treasure trove of geologic information is in-hand — the drills will be revving up once again. 

And that's what being EARLY to the game is all about! 

It's all in the FREE report you can get here.

Plus, we're including our exclusive interview with the company's CEO… giving you a true, boots-on-the-ground, firsthand look at the team, the projects, the upcoming drilling and much, much more. 

In investing… timing is everything… and that timing is right now!

See for yourself why the early shares around US$0.25 likely won't stay that low for long.

Yours in profits,


Mike Fagan
Editor, Resource Stock Digest

UpTrendAlerts, 711 SW 24th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435, United States
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