Friday, 20 January 2023

The #1 Threat To Your Money NOW

Dear Subscriber,

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Martin D. Weiss, PhD in
The Next Black Swans.
Click here to watch now.

Your money is in grave danger.

And yet most investors are more complacent than ever.

What about you?

I'm talking about inflation — not just the rapid inflation that's already burst onto the scene, but inflation that's much, much worse.

Inflation that rips through the savings of average Americans like a paper shredder.

Inflation that guts the portfolios of investors even when the stock market is going up.

Inflation that guts their portfolios again when stocks crash.

This danger should be abundantly obvious to everyone. It's all over the news.

And the rising tide of conflict in the world today can only make it worse.

Not just wars in one country or region, but also trade wars, cyberwars and massive supply chain disruptions sweeping the globe.

I know. All this is shocking.

But what's even more shocking to me is that most people are still so complacent about the truly dangerous inflation that's rearing its ugly head today.

They didn't live through the 1970s, when folks waited in gas lines for long hours just to top off their tanks … when the value of supposedly ultrasafe Treasury bonds plunged by more than half and … when the price of gold surged 2,324%.

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To watch this full video, click here.

They didn't live through the inflation that gutted the economy of Brazil in the 1970s and Argentina in the 1980s …

Destroying the savings of millions of middle-class citizens … bankrupting their governments and tearing apart the fabric of society.

Nor does anyone dare think about the hyperinflation that wreaked havoc on the entire world …

Starting in Germany after World War I …

Creating the greatest avalanche of worthless paper money ever seen, and …

Giving rise to the most murderous dictator in the history of Western civilization.

Hundreds of millions of Americans going about their daily business today are oblivious to the torrid past of inflation.

Fewer still believe anything vaguely similar might be possible today.

They have not yet learned the lessons of history.

And they don't yet see the handwriting on the wall: The consequence of complacency is catastrophe.

The solution for investors?

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It's quite simple, actually: Assets you can easily buy that have consistently surged when inflation rises and skyrocketed when inflation surges.

To get all the details, watch my just-released video, The Next Black Swans.

Good luck and God bless!



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