Monday, 21 November 2022

[FREE] The 264 Dividend Achievers of 2022

Dear Reader,

If you've never heard the term Dividend Achievers, you're missing out.

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In fact, you're likely leaving a lot of unearned cash on the table.

See, Dividend Achievers are a select group of stocks (there are just 218 of them) which have increased their dividends each and every year for at least the last decade.

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Some of these companies you know well. Others you've probably never heard of.

But they all have one thing in common: They give investors the chance to collect huge lump sums of cash on the regular.

Some of the names are familiar. Some I can all but guarantee you've never heard of.

Either way, we've just revealed the entire list of 218 stocks that are paying some of the longest-running dividends the market has to offer.

Click here to get the full list.

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