Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Controversial: Brace now

Dear Reader,

Something strange is happening in America's financial system.

According to Bank of America, the biggest transfer of wealth in history is underway.

What exactly is going on? And what does it mean for your money?

I recently sat down with renowned economist Dr. Nomi Prins to get her take.

She said, “Bank of America's numbers are absolutely correct… in the years ahead, $150 trillion will change hands, and every single industry will be disrupted.”

Nomi went on to tell me the way we:

  • Spend…

  • Travel…

  • Eat…

  • Vacation.…

Even the way we save money… will be changed in ways few see coming.

BUT, she told me if you can see the shape of the events to come, you could position yourself to make huge profits as this wealth transfer is rolled out.

To alert the public and to help you prepare, Nomi agreed to film a full interview (for free) with all the details.

Go here now to prepare for this $150 trillion shift.


Maria Bonaventura
Senior Managing Editor, Rogue Economics

P.S. Nomi has followed this $150 trillion revolution to its logical conclusion. You might find her message unsettling, but it's critical you act now or be blindsided.

Click here to see why

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