Saturday, 27 August 2022

Warren Buffett’s Favorite EV Stock Is On Sale

Dear Investor

The fledgling electric vehicle industry sector been called one of the most powerful investment megatrends of our time.
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Some of the largest companies in the world are scrambling to modify their production process to exploit this megatrend and make billions of dollars in new yearly profits.

Other EV startups in China are making millions for their early investors.

One company is even making a "flying car." (Anyone remember The Jetsons cartoon show?)
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Another is Warren Buffett's favorite in the EV space (and it's on sale right now!)

To get the details on these exciting EV stock potentials and many more, go here.
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Yours for better trading,

The Investing Ideas Daily Team

P.S. Although you may have missed out on the amazing 24,389.7% gain over the last decade with Tesla stock, there are now many other EV stock potentials to review for possible gigantic gains in the next 10 years.

This free report will reveal their names and their exciting stories.
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