Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Crypto One Percenter reveals his crypto recession blueprint

This calendar predicts MAJOR crypto movements WEEKS before they happen...

Once you get to the end of this email, you'll want crypto to go down more.

Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, this crypto crash may not be such a bad thing.

I understand that statement may surprise you...

But the truth is... massive market downturns often come with even bigger upswings.

Think about it:

Can you name a single crash in the last 100 years that we haven't bounced back from?

I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single one.

Just take a look at this chart of bitcoin:


Since its creation, bitcoin has bounced back every single time... and reached new highs.

In fact, the same holds true for the S&P 500, which has been around for 99 years...


I know it's hard to believe... but this data is irrefutable.

All sectors of the financial markets have not only recovered but also reached new highs... every single time the market has crashed.

The rich understand this concept... That's why they invest boatloads of money when retail investors are running for the fences.

The simple truth is...

It's easier to become a millionaire AFTER a crash than during any other market condition.

The only thing left to worry about is picking the right cryptos and knowing the exact dates to invest in them so you can position yourself to join the rich on the upstream.

And that's where my new Crypto Cash Calendar comes into play.

You see, many of my high-net-worth crypto friends don't have the time to spend hours a week worrying about which cryptos to buy...

So, the Crypto Calendar makes it stupidly easy to keep up with their investments...

It's as simple as waking up, checking your calendar, seeing “Buy [Crypto Name]”...

And with the tap of your finger or click of your mouse you are done... in a matter of minutes.

In fact, with the help of my Crypto Calendar system, I have been able to recommend and give my network gains as high as...

"- 4,400% with Ethereum

- 8,020% with Binance Coin

- And 2,066% with Cardano

The best part is...

My crypto calendar is revealing its next pick on August 25th... just days away.

So, click here while you're still a first mover!

Charlie Sherm
Charlie Sherm

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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