Saturday, 23 April 2022

BEAT inflation (here’s how)

We just came limping out of the worst January in the markets since the Global Financial Crisis.

Here's How You BEAT Inflation…
Starting Immediately

We just came limping out of the worst January in the markets since the Global Financial Crisis.

But things could soon get much, much worse.

The speculative bubbles in the market are bursting, one by one.

Pot stocks... SPACs... cryptos... Then, suddenly, almost the entire "growth" sector.

I believe we could be on the verge of an 80% crash in the overall market.

So, forgive me for getting a little worked up in this brand-new interview...

Where I lay out all the proof of what's likely coming (soon!) and exactly what to do to protect yourself, beginning today.

But people's lives are on the line…

At minimum, you could see 10 years of market gains wiped out very quickly.

I believe NOW is the only time you can actually do something to protect yourself.

(When the market's already down 30% or more – it'll be too late.)

The worst part is...

Even if I'm completely wrong about an impending market crash... 7% inflation is already destroying your savings right now.

That's not a prediction. It's already here. The highest inflation in 40 years.

Just look at the latest numbers released this morning for January:

    Inflation hit 7.5%!

That's the third straight month of multi-decade highs…

And now the U.S. money supply is up five-fold since the beginning of 2020!

But there's a simple and incredibly effective solution...

I explain everything right here.

It has nothing to do with options... short-selling... or "perfectly" timing the market.

Just a group of stocks that are practically designed to BEAT inflation…

And that I expect to outperform everything else in the market over the next 5-10 years.

Including one specific GOLD stock that I think could return you more than 10 times your money if you get in today.

Again: I've put together a very simple, top-to-bottom game plan for beating inflation and the looming market crash.

Please, don't ignore this today...

Go here to see the most important interview of my LIFE while its still available online.


Dan Ferris
Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research

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