Wednesday, 29 September 2021

“These 10 Stocks are Scheduled to Go Up Between Now and December 10”

Greetings Reader,

Tom Gentile, commonly known as America's #1 Pattern Trader, has just released a shocking video where he's giving away:
  1. The names of 10 stocks
  2. The exact dates they're scheduled to go up
  3. By how much and for how long
All for free.

Here's a glimpse of what he's revealing in this video...

According to him, these 10 stocks are most likely to go up between now and December 10.

"I've been tracking these stocks for the last 10 years, you know. All of them show a remarkably similar pattern. They've almost always gone up during a specific window of time." said Tom.

For example - Stock #1 has moved up nine out of the last 10 years during September 15 and October 12. And if history is an indicator, this stock is again poised to go up during the same time period.

Similarly, Tom's research shows that Stock #2 is slated to go on a 30-day price hike from September 20 to October 27.

Stock #3 is showing the same pattern and is ready to move up between October 28 and December 6...

And so on.

For over three decades, Tom Gentile has been showing regular Americans how to profit off these patterns.

He doesn't believe in owning a single stock, and waiting around for months or years to make potential profits.

In fact, he's a contrarian who:
  • Doesn't follow market trends.
  • Doesn't sift through financial statements.
  • Doesn't read earnings reports.
  • Doesn't gamble on penny stocks.
  • Doesn't rely on dodgy indicators, or blips on a chart...
And yet, he has been able to produce multiple triple-digit windfalls on stocks using the same patterns these 10 stocks are showing right now.

"If I buy these stocks and let's say they jump 2% during June 9 and September 7, I will make small profits for sure. But as a pattern trader, I know I can turn a 2% small gain into a 75%, 100% or 150% windfall in a matter of weeks or days." concludes Tom.

Exactly how he does that so often is a topic that we can certainly cover some other time.

For now, you can click here to get the names of these 10 stocks and decide for yourself.

To Your Success,

Bob Keppel
Publisher, Fast Fortune Club

UpTrendAlerts, 711 SW 24th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435, United States
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